Results from biological replicates were expressed as mean ± s.e.m. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism (v.9). Normality was tested using Shapiro–Wilk normality tests. To compare two conditions, unpaired Student’st-tests or Mann–WhitneyU-tests were performed. A one-wa...
Results from biological replicates were expressed as mean ± s.e.m. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism (v.9). Normality was tested using Shapiro–Wilk normality tests. To compare two conditions, unpaired Student’st-tests or Mann–WhitneyU-tests were performed. A one-wa...
In phase-I of virtual lab, experiments on rectifiers and regulators has been considered. User while performing experiments through virtual lab will have the similar experience of conducting it live. The Virtual Lab will provide complete information about the circuit under test, design specifications, ...
The experiments are inquiry-based, using the student's curiosity to explore concepts like movement, gravity, acceleration, force, energy, rotation, torque, and waves. The app is a great learning tool and allows students to see first hand how physics works. Download:Lab4Physics forAndroid|iOS(F...
Refer to "Reward Circuit" for an image of the populated circuit on that section of the board. contains complete schematics and bill of materials, so it is best to use those as a guide when populating your board. Options ...
A student at Stanford has a nice introduction toForce Feedback Deviceswith considerable coverage of gaming applications. GC-TECH sponsored ahaptic Fishing Game Simulatorfrom June 1999 to May 2000, and the development of a Haptic device, controller, and mechanism which enables a user to feel like...
(2015). Effects of a science center outreach lab on school students’ achievement—are student lab visits needed when they teach what students can learn at school? Learning and Instruction. Article Google Scholar Itzek-Greulich, H., Flung...
the conceptual design, and learning objectives of the proposed virtual laboratory are described in Section 4; the preliminary test results of a student’s sample are highlighted in Section 5; a comparison with the traditional learning approach is detailed in Section 6; and the conclusion and future...