While most previous research using imaging tools to track brain activity during these interactions has involved single individuals, Hirsch’s lab developed a unique suite of neuroimaging technologies that allows them to study, in real time, interactions between two people in natural settings. For the ...
Depres- sion severity negatively correlates with the activation level of the human reward system, including dopaminergic neural circuits [8–11]. Consequently, these problems in social reward processing inhibit depressed individuals' motivation to engage in social interaction [12], which could help ...
In one example, the means for analyzing and the means for predicting comprise one or more application specific integrated circuits (ASIC). In another example, the means for analyzing and the means for predicting comprise one or more specifically configured electronic processors. Of course, other ...
Another challenge that will be considered in this works belongs to the field of the OSS, that is the electrical noise that appears mainly in digital and analog circuits, and because it is important Sensors 2018, 18, 1684 3 of 15 conditioning the signal before to process it. In [12], ...
A simplified illustration of the IEEE test model is shown in Figure 4. Unlike the initial IEEE 123-node model, which was developed for power-flow analysis, the extended short-circuit analysis model is capable of analyzing all possible types of short circuits at all nodes. All model parameters...
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