2.3. Detection of Virulence and Quorum-Sensing Genes The definition of virulotypes was based on the detection of the 14 genes involved in virulence or quorum-sensing (exoS, exoU, exlA, exoY, exoT, exoA, lasA, lasB, aprA, rhlAB, rhlI, rhlR, lasI, and lasR genes). Two virulotypes...
EDA consists of a slowly changing part called Skin Conductance Level (SCL), which is overlaid by other short and fast conductance changes called phasic components. The phasic components can be separated into two different types. The first one is the Skin Conductance Response (SCR), where the ...
EDA consists of a slowly changing part called Skin Conductance Level (SCL), which is overlaid by other short and fast conductance changes called phasic components. The phasic components can be separated into two different types. The first one is the Skin Conductance Response (SCR), where the ...
Both assay types were performed under a constant vacuum. The membranes were washed each time with the sample buffer. The bound aptamers were quantified from the single membrane assays by liquid scintillation spectroscopy (Tricarb 4910TR, Perkin Elmer) and from the multiplex assay by exposing the ...