网络级;维吉尼亚级;维珍尼亚级 网络释义 1. 级 ...N-21航母(也即CNV-78),一艘“弗吉尼亚”级(Virginia-class)核攻击潜艇、3艘LCS、一艘“圣安东尼奥”级(San Antonio-class) LP…|基于5个网页 2. 维吉尼亚级 若拿一艘造价达20亿美元的“维吉尼亚级”(Virginia-class)核动力攻击潜艇,...
弗吉尼亚级攻击核潜艇(Virginia-class)是美第四代攻击核潜艇,是美目前最倚重的攻击核潜艇。冷战中为了猎杀苏 红海的“台风”和“阿库拉”级核潜艇,美研发了“海狼”级核潜艇,主要作战场景是深海反潜,其首次采用液压泵喷射推进器,表面敷贴消声瓦,雷达波吸收涂层,隔振降噪措施等,使其隐身性能极为突出,噪音水平比“...
Battleship Virginia-class 类别: 船舶» 战舰 使用自: 1906–1920 使用者: 生产厂家: Bath Iron Works|Fore River SY|Moran Brothers SY|Newport News 热门套件 US Battleship USS Virginia BB-13 - 1906 Combrig 1:700 70458 Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for: ...
Name: Battleship Virginia-class Category: Ships » Battleships Used from: 1906–1920 Used by: Manufacturer: Bath Iron Works|Fore River SY|Moran Brothers SY|Newport News Hot kits US BattleshipUSS Virginia BB-13 - 1906 Combrig 1:70070458 Products...
As the U.S. Navy embarks on an ambitious effort to grow the size and capability of its fleet, the Virginia-class attack submarines (SSNs) continue to be a critical element in the fleet of today and into the future. Growing Threat ...
New Virginia-Class Submarines to Hold More Missiles SubmarinesMissilesNational DefenseAnonymous
来源:HII Launches 25th Virginia-class Submarine for the US Navy - Naval News 美国海军的第七艘Block IV型弗吉尼亚级攻击潜艇马萨诸塞州(SSN 798)最近在HII的纽波特纽斯造船(NNS)部门发射到詹姆斯河。 Virginia-class attack submarine Massachusetts (SSN 798) was recently launched into the James River at ...
Virginia-Class SSN New Jersey Christened at Newport News ShipbuildingSeapower StaffSea Power
外文全称:Virginia-class submarine 中文译名:“弗吉尼亚”级核潜艇 背景介绍: 美国海军12月2日签署了有史以来最昂贵的造舰合同,将斥资超222亿美元购买世界最先进的“弗吉尼亚”级核动力攻击潜艇。“弗吉尼亚”级核动力攻击潜艇是美国海军第一艘同时针对大洋和近海两种功能设计的核潜艇,是美国海军“新型攻击潜艇计划”的...
The Virginia-class navy submarine, a cheaper version of the previous Seawolf-class submarine, was designed to replace the Los Angeles class. According to the U.S. navy, Virginia-class subs "are built to operate in the world's littoral and deep waters while conducting anti-submarine warfare; ...