外文全称:Virginia-class submarine 中文译名:“弗吉尼亚”级核潜艇 背景介绍: 美国海军12月2日签署了有史以来最昂贵的造舰合同,将斥资超222亿美元购买世界最先进的“弗吉尼亚”级核动力攻击潜艇。“弗吉尼亚”级核动力攻击潜艇是美国海军第一艘同时针对大洋和近海两种功能设计的核潜艇,是美国海军“新型攻击潜艇计划”的...
Virginia-class attack submarine Massachusetts (SSN 798) was recently launched into the James River at HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding division. (Photo by Ashley Cowan/HII) HII 新闻稿 造船厂将潜艇从建筑设施转移到浮动干船坞,后来被淹没并由拖船移动到造船厂的潜艇码头进行最终舾装、测试和船员认证。 “...
“The Block V contract balances the right mix of undersea quantity and capability with a profile that continues to stabilize the industrial base. This balance and stability will enable the success of submarine acquisitions across the enterprise,” said Virginia Class Program Manager Capt. Christopher ...
网络释义 1. 维吉尼亚级攻击潜舰 第五艘密西西比号(USS Mississippi (SSN-782)),是维吉尼亚级攻击潜舰(Virginia-class submarine)的二号舰,於2010年6月9日 … tw.myblog.yahoo.com|基于2个网页
Virginia-class Submarine (SSN0Focuses on the Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarine for U.S. Navy. Unit procurement cost; Schedule for delivery; Components of the submarine.Sea Power
1/350th Scale: 18" long x 5" deep x 7" tall 1/200th Scale: 28" long x 7" deep x 9" tall Approximate Encased Sizes Additional Sizes & Configurations Available Click to return to theSubmarine Gallery The Ship Model Masters of Raven Arts in Washington State are the Nation's premier cu...
HII declared that its Newport News Shipbuilding division had finished the initial set of sea trials for its submarine, New Jersey. The latter belongs to the Virginia class attack fleet of submarines. New Jersey has reportedly spent many days at sea to test the boat’s systems and components. ...
Rising military conflicts, terrorism and border disputes have driven nations across the globe to focus more on national security, with investments in enhancing their submarine fleet. This surge is fueled by the increasing demand for advanced technologies like stealth capabilities, underwater surveillance ...
Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (NYSE:HII) Newport News Shipbuilding division on Friday delivered the newest fast-attack submarine to the U.S. Navy. Delaware (SSN 791), which successfully completed sea trials earlier this month, is the ninth Virginia-class submarine to be delivered by Newport ...
The Virginia Class attack submarine incorporates the latest in stealth, intelligence gathering and weapons systems technology.