Below are the first four books in the series “In Great Grandmother’s Time”compiled from 1800s cookbooks. Click on each cover to view the book description.These books are available on Amazon in regular print and large print format. They are also available in ebook formatwherever you buy yo...
It's still possible to find used, vintage cookbooks that have gone out of print — sometimes reprints, sometimes first editions — often at very low cost. By knowing the secrets of Where to Find Out of Print Cookbooks, you can add wonderful vintage cookbooks by famous cookery authors to you...
These are just a few examples of the unique stories behind some of our heirlooms in the shop. Find many more as you explore our vintage and antique cookbooks, dishes, linens, decorative pieces and kitchenware. Hope this year’s sale sparks something new and inspirational for you. Cheers, an...
But what about old calendars that are also cookbooks? On the same online group that produced the wonderful Deplorable Gourmet—a few months before our Texas meetup—a friend posted the enigmatic (and always exciting) words “I found a cool cookbook for you. I’ll bring it to the meet.” ...
When I’m in the kitchen, I love to pull out my well-worn cookbooks or flip through my collection of handwritten… Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new ...
the Library of Congress digital collection ofAmerican Church, Club and Community Cookbooksfrom the late 19th and early 20th century. Dozens of cookbooks from organizations around the country are available in full and online for your reading pleasure – you can even download them for free onto...
the kitchen and whips up a stellar meal. Turns out that besides being pathological, he’s well read and while serving previously in prison for many years, he bounced from various “shops” and learned many a trade. Cooking was one of them. He absorbed the cookbooks and is quite proficient...
What once originated in Pennsylvania Dutch communities quickly circulated into church cookbooks, becoming what we know and love today. Get the Recipe 14 of 38 Water Pie Caitlin Bensel; Food Styling: Torie Cox The Great Depression created a lot of recipes we still enjoy today, like Water...
This summer I began researching long-forgotten recipes to be found in old cookbooks. Thrift shops, garage sales, libraries, friends, antique stores, and online auctions have resulted in a handful that I now peruse during free moments.
I’ve been collecting vintage cookbooks (and other ephemera) for decades. But it’s not because I actually cook. Other than baking, I nearly hate cooking. Thankfully, my dear hubby is the cook in the house. (Aside from baking and cleaning, I tend to stay out of the kitchen.) ...