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VINS-Mobile-Android ⚠️Warning: Potentially harmful code⚠️ During tests an anomaly occured where the smartphone has completely crashed and was only recoverable by connecting it to a computer/charger.Use at your own risk! Background ...
vins mobile 适配android 11 vivo适配安卓10 最近正是大家的换机热潮,所以很多关于某款手机好不好的问题频繁出现。现在5G市场上新速度很快,大家在选择手机时,要多考虑竞品的因素,也就是货比三家。比如有很多人问vivo s10怎么样,只需要和荣耀60对比一下,结果就显而易见了:不值得买。 先说说vivo s10的基本信息,...
VINS_Mobile_AndroidPort\app\libs\VINS-Mobile-master\CMakeLists.txt according to the location: SET(OpenCV_DIR {path}/OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni) Boost Download Boost and set the {path} in the file VINS_Mobile_AndroidPort\app\libs\VINS-Mobile-master\VINS_ThirdPartyLib\CMakeLists.txt...
Hi everyone, I have transplanted the VINS-Mobile project to Android platform, and compared the result between the Android platform and ROS platform with the EuRoC MAV Dataset named MH_05_difficult. In android project, the Initialization ...
基于https://github.com/jannismoeller/VINS-Mobile-Android项目进行一些适合自己手机的开发,我的手机是小米mix2,目前运行效果还ok,感谢jannismoeller VINS-Mobile-Android Warning: Potentially harmful code During tests an anomaly occured where the smartphone has completely crashed and was only recoverable by connec...