Run onKAIST-VIO-Dataset, referthis config files $ rosrun dmvio_ros node calib=camera_kaistvio.txt imuCalib=camchain_kaistvio.yaml settingsFile=setting_kaistvio.yaml mode=3 nogui=0 preset=1 quiet=1 useimu=1 ■ ROS2 Algorithms: [click to see] ...
kaist 数据集配置 5年前 LICENSE 跑通kitti 5年前 Loading... MIT MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Yupeng Jia Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software with...
roslaunch mins rosbag.launch config:=kaist/kaist_LC path_gt:=urban30.txt path_bag:=urban30.bag Here are the rosbag files and ground truths we used in the evaluation. To be specific, we usedkaist2bagto convert all sensor readings to rosbag files. All rights reserved toKAIST urban datase...
我使用的是github 上一个 kaist2bag 的转换工具,只使用了图像和imu数据,运行时订阅的是imu_raw 的数据。 关于误差比较大的问题,之前做测试的时候大致检查过,可能是由于过度优化,导致一些车行驶的时候本来就是弯曲的路线给优化直了,最终的误差较大,但是基本上多次运行的平均误差与论文内展示的数据一致。另外由于...
roslaunch mins rosbag.launch config:=kaist/kaist_LC path_gt:=urban30.txt path_bag:=urban30.bag Here are the rosbag files and ground truths we used in the evaluation. To be specific, we usedkaist2bagto convert all sensor readings to rosbag files. All rights reserved toKAIST urban datase...
roslaunch mins rosbag.launch config:=kaist/kaist_LC path_gt:=urban30.txt path_bag:=urban30.bag Here are the rosbag files and ground truths we used in the evaluation. To be specific, we usedkaist2bagto convert all sensor readings to rosbag files. All rights reserved toKAIST urban datase...