Problem description In LunarVim everything I do in the explorer opens a new tab... Fine but the only way I have found to switch between tabs is to click on them with the mouse. Okay so then I take to googling, and also checking :help tab...
Something that holds me back is the ability to quickly switch between files. I (believe at least) have a good understanding of buffers, windows, tabs, as well as netrw (Vex, Ex, etc). But in an editor such as Sublime Text, I can just type ctrl-p and instantly I am at the...
:new -> 分屏并且在新屏中建立一个空白文件 (split windows with a new blank file) CTRL-w+j/k/h/l -> 利用CTRL加w加上j/k/h/l在不同的屏内切换 (switch, move between split screens) CTRL-w+ -/+ -> 增减分屏的大小 (change split size) CTRL-w+t -> 移动到最顶端的那个屏 (move to ...
" tab pages to edit multiple files, but it is still best to enable an option to " allow easier switching between files. " " One such option is the 'hidden' option, which allows you to re-use the same " window and switch from an unsaved buffer without saving it first. Also allows "...
CTRL-w+j/k/h/l -> 利用CTRL加w加上j/k/h/l在不同的屏内切换 (switch, move between split screens) CTRL-w+ -/+ -> 增减分屏的大小 (change split size) CTRL-w+t -> 移动到最顶端的那个屏 (move to the top windows) CTRL-w+b -> 移动到最下面的屏 (move to bottom window) ... Quickly and easily switch between buffers. This plugin can be opened with <leader+o> ctrlp.vim: Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder. It's mapped to <Ctrl+F> goyo.vim and vim-zenroom2: lightline.vim: A light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim NERD Tree:...
391 Using Vim's tabs like buffers 95 Quickly switching buffers in Vim normal mode 34 How can I more easily switch between buffers in Emacs? 2 Quickly switch between buffers? 3 a single vim command for "edit a new file" or "switch to existing buffer"? 3 Vim: jump to buffer 18 ...
" Switch CWD to the directory of the open buffer map <leader>cd :cd %:p:h<cr>:pwd<cr> " Specify the behavior when switching between buffers try set switchbuf=useopen,usetab,newtab set stal=2 catch endtry " Return to last edit position when opening files (You want this!) ... Quickly and easily switch between buffers. This plugin can be opened with<leader+o> ctrlp.vim: Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder. It's mapped to<Ctrl+F> goyo.vimandvim-zenroom2: lightline.vim: A light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim ...
" Makes it easy to switch between buffers: " info -> :help bufExplorer " " > yankring.vim - " Emacs's killring, useful when using the clipboard: " info -> :help yankring " " > surround.vim -