16、CentOS 系统让所有用户显示行号 输入命令:vim /etc/vimrc 在vimrc文件的最后添加:set nu 保存:wq 手动加载配置:source /etc/bashrc 这样不管是哪个用户在vim下都显示行号 17、FreeSWITCH启动后,在执行命令reloadxml时,错误提示: +OK [[error near line 6290]: unexpected closing tag </condition>] 表示最...
16、CentOS 系统让所有用户显示行号输入命令:vim /etc/vimrc 在vimrc文件的最后添加:set nu 保存:wq 手动加载配置:source /etc/bashrc 这样不管是哪个用户在vim下都显示行号 17、FreeSWITCH启动后,在执行命令reloadxml时,错误提示: +OK [[error near line 6290]: unexpected closing tag </condition>] 表示最近...
3 a single vim command for "edit a new file" or "switch to existing buffer"? 3 Vim: jump to buffer 18 How do I navigate buffers in vim? 1 switch back and forth between two buffers in emacs like b# in vim 9 How can I switch windows in Vim 5 How do I switch between buffe...
Vim mailing list says (re-formatted for better readability): To change two vertically split windows to horizonally split Ctrl-w t Ctrl-w K Horizontally to vertically: Ctrl-w t Ctrl-w H Explanations: Ctrl-w t makes the first (topleft) window current Ctrl-w K moves the current window ...
windows python pip 修改地址 本地代理IP池代理IP池是一种由多个代理IP构成的集合,可以通过接口等方式随时获取可用的代理IP。通俗地打个比方,它就是一个池子,里面装了很多代理ip。代理IP具有以下几个特征: 1、池子里的ip是有生存周期的,它们将被定期验证,其中失效的将被剔除。 2、池子里的ip是有补充渠道的,...
CTRL+j and CTRL+k shift focus between editors in an editor group and terminal windows in the terimal CTRL+h and CTRL+l shift focus between editor groups including the terminal (These key bindings should feel particularly natural to vim users. Others may wish to change exchange h/j/k/l fo...
Installing an X100P card fromwww.x100p.comcd /usr/src wgethttp://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/zaptel/zaptel- xzvf ./zaptel- cd zaptel- ./configure make make install make config vim /etc/sysconfig/zaptel, and comment out modules you do...
在JS中使用switch语句打开窗口可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,需要在HTML中创建一个按钮或其他元素,用于触发打开窗口的操作。例如,可以创建一个按钮元素,并给它一个唯一的id属性,如下所示...
本文记录在Windows下编译Freeswitch支持NVIDIA显卡编解码的方法: 1、将ffmpeg中的NVIDIA相关的代码加入到工程中 编译libs中的ffmpeg工程。 2、在ffmpeg工程中的codec_list.c中的codec_list[]的最后增加&ff_h264_nvenc_encoder。 3、在mod_av工程中找到avcodec.c文件,在函数open_enco... ...
im-select.nvimuse binary tools to switch IM, you need to: Install binary tools on different OS. Make sure the executable file in a path that NeoVim can read them. 1.1 Windows / WSL Install Please installim-select.exeand put it into yourPATH. ...