I just changed the 2 spaces to 4 as I use in Vim set ts = 4. s serup This worked for me: you can see tabs with first doing this: :set list then to make it possible to replace tabs then do this: :set expandtab then :retab now all tabs have been replaced with...
:tabe f 在新的tab页编辑名称为f的文件 ctrl+w+T 将当前窗口移动到新的tab页 :tabc 关闭当前标签页和其中所有窗口 :tabo 保留关闭非活动的标签页和其中所有窗口 :tabn 切换到后一个tab页 gt 切换到后一个tab页 :tabn N 切换到指定编号的tab页(N为数字) Ngt 切换到指定编号的tab页(N为数字) :tabp ...
set shiftwidth=4 " 表示每一级缩进的长度,一般设置成跟 softtabstop 一样。 set softtabstop=4 " 在編輯動作 (Backspace) 或是 (Tab) 時,對空白的解譯,修改按 Tab 键的行为,不修改 tab 字符的显示宽度。具体行为跟 tabstop 选项值有关 "set expandtab " 将tab转space (实际存起來的文件将会是以空...
R #进入REPLACE模式, 连续替换,ESC结束 2.编辑模式(从普通模式进入到编辑模式) i #进入编辑模式,光标不做任何操作 a #进入编辑模式,将当前光标往后一位 o #进入编辑模式,并在当前光标下添加一行空白内容 --- I #进入编辑模式,并且光标会跳转至本行的头部 A #进入编辑模式,将光标移动至本行的尾部 O #进入编...
To speed up the startup of Vim, replace it by a custom simpler one that restricts to those architectures most probably used by you, and does not involve system calls. For example, if you usevim-plug, then by adding to yourvimrc: ...
endif"Detect UTF-8 locale, and replace CJK setting if neededifv:lang =~"utf8$"|| v:lang =~"UTF-8$"setencoding=utf-8settermencoding=utf-8setfileencoding=utf-8endifelseechoerr"Sorry, this version of (g)vim was not compiled with multi_byte"endif""" "plugins""" "Tlistif&diff let ...
tabline = { lualine_a = {'buffers'}, lualine_b = {'branch'}, lualine_c = {'filename'}, lualine_x = {}, lualine_y = {}, lualine_z = {'tabs'} }WinbarFrom neovim-0.8 you can customize your winbar with lualine. Winbar configuration is similar to statusline.winbar = { ...
Split line with dots switch variable From argument to object -a-b-c- attr_aligner Triangular Numbers Search and Replace 0 quotes inside quotes That hyphen Simple format (2) Extract argument from function Preferably without multi-cursor plugin Letterbox comment and uncomment code inline Adam’s chal...
vs删除行尾空格vs2010:Enter: Ctrl+HFind what: :b*$Replace with: [Empty]Look in: Current DocumentFind Option: Use Re 正则表达式 编辑框 Regular 原创 mapaware 2023-01-11 00:57:16 259阅读 Vim|多行行尾插入【转】 javascript html 微信公众号 ...
" map tn:tabnext<cr>" map tp:tabprevious<cr>" map td:tabnew.<cr>" map te:tabedit " map tc:tabclose<cr>"窗口分割时,进行切换的按键热键需要连接两次,比如从下方窗口移动 "光标到上方窗口,需要<c-w><c-w>k,非常麻烦,现在重映射为<c-k>,切换的 ...