.vimrc--Tabs and Spaces V0.1 Zhicheng Wu 2016-8-10 Initial 摘要:本文解释了vim中的tab与space的转换关系和建议的.vimrc配置。 PS: vim的配置文件有/etc/vimrc, $HOME/.vimrc。其中/etc/vimrc是全局的vim配置文件,$HOME/.vimrc是个人的配置文件。以下的设置建议写在$HOME/.vimrc中。 平常我们在写代...
对文件中已经存在的 tab 字符如何转为空格 Converting tabs to spaces? 将当前文件里已有的 tab 字符全部转为 spaces::retab; 只转当前行::.retab; ~/.vimrc配置文件 vim 个性设置,里面是各个 vim 命令。The vimrc file contains optional runtime configuration settings to initialize Vim when it starts. ...
Ignore whitespace Split Unified 7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions7plugin/fittencode.vim Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change Expand Up@@ -86,11 +86,7 @@ function! CodeCompletion() letl:file_content=join(getline(1,'$'),"\n") ...
currentkey!=None if currentkey: #compute/output result to STDOUT (your code goes here) alist = sorted(alist) blist = sorted(blist) newlist = [a[1]*b[1] for a,b in zip(alist, blist)] res = newlist.sum() print(currentkey, res) currentkey = key #Process input for new key...
(11)expand - convert tabs to spaces (12)xargs - build and execute command lines from standard input (13)stdin和stdout可以用-来替代 五、回顾总结 本文简单介绍了Vim和Bash的一些皮毛知识。 文章内容部分参考《鸟哥的Linux私房菜》,在此予以说明。
Neovim requires adding the following line to your.vimrcorinit.vim: letg:CtrlSpaceDefaultMappingKey="<C-space>" Note the trailing space at the end of the mapping. Neovim doesn't mind it, but it makes vim-ctrlspace's "is the mapping left at default" check fail so it won't change the...
To select text, enter visual mode with one of the commands below, and use motion commands to highlight the text you are interested in. Then, use some command on the text. The operators that can be used are: ~ switch case d delete c change y yank > shift right < shift left ! filte...
Please create a PR if you managed to port a popular theme before us, here is how to do it.Customizing themeslocal custom_gruvbox = require'lualine.themes.gruvbox' -- Change the background of lualine_c section for normal mode custom_gruvbox.normal.c.bg = '#112233' require('lualine')....
tabc<CR> " <leader>to 关闭所有其他的 tab map <leader>to :tabo<CR> " <leader>ts 查看所有打开的 tab map <leader>ts :tabs<CR> " <leader>tp 前一个 tab map <leader>tp :tabp<CR> " <leader>tn 后一个 tab map <leader>tn :tabn<CR "tagbar Plugin 'majutsushi/tagbar' let g:...
Plugin 'Chiel92/vim-autoformat' nnoremap <F6> :Autoformat<CR> # 按F6自动格式化 let g:autoformat_autoindent = 0 let g:autoformat_retab = 0 let g:autoformat_remove_trailing_spaces = 0 保存并退出,重新进入vim,命令模式下输入:PluginInstall 还有nerdtree这是一个目录树插件,可以给代码添加目录: ...