Vim: search and replace every occurences of a word appearing between two other specified words I am currently writing a math text in LaTeX using Vim, and this involves a lot of matrices. The crux of my problem is that the command\dots, which is supposed to be used ev...
I want replace every word in a paragraph with some html tags, for example, consider this text : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. and the result after replacing the words with ...CoreData multithreading_violation debugging We're using core data on multiple thread and ...
I can do :%s/<search_string>/<replace_string>/g for replacing a string across a file, or :s/<search_string>/<replace_string>/ to replace in current line. How can I select and replace words from selective lines in vim? Example: replace text from lines 6-10, 14-18 but not from 1...
delimitMate (与 vim-multiple-cursors 有冲突,在多光标模式下,输入"会生成<Plug>delimitMate,暂时没有找到解决方法,故暂不使用,改用 auto-pairs) 提供引号,大括号,括号自动补全的 Vim 插件。配置:inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<C-o>O " Use this option to tell delimitMate which characters should be considered...
15 search then replace - last line mode s usage same as sed STARTadd,ENDadds@pattern@string@gi ### 16 edit multiple files - command mode vim FILE1 FILE2 FILE3 , open multiple files :next , change to next file :prev , change to previous file :last ...
借助vim-multiple-cursors 实现多光标编辑功能。首先选中一个单词,然后使用快捷键Shift+n,就会选中下一个一模一样的字符,Shift+k跳过选中,然后你可以进行编辑了。默认这个插件快捷键是Ctrl+n,可能会冲突,单在我这里没有冲突,操作Shift+n快捷键更舒服,你可以配置自己的快捷键 let g:multi_cursor_next_key='<S-n...
1.How to search and replace any character in a multiple lines but not in a range.For example in the previous program I submitted if I wanted to replace the word input in only 5th and the 7th line but not in 6 line. Because, if I understood right the pattern ...
GUI mode Search and replace Built-in terminal Built-in file manager Spell check Color schemes Syntax highlight I could list many other features, but this is not what makes Vim different. In my opinion, Vim is the best text editor out there due to a combination of other factors. Let's ...
e.g.)d3w-> delete next 3 words. Key/CommandsFunction u/Ctrl-rUndo/Redo. r/RReplace one character/multiple characters. JCombine two lines. .It is fixed to do:Replace the following word with a clipboard(useful to use with a search). ...
Try adding this in your .vimrc and make sure to replace the string:if !has('gui_running') map "in Insert mode, type Ctrl+v Alt+n here" <A-n> endifOr remap the following:g:multi_cursor_start_key g:multi_cursor_select_all_key...