Maybe I'm just newbee, but I completly don't understand logic behind implementation of working with registers in (N)Vim. I have spent a lot of time trying to keep my unnamed+ register clear of garbage deletions in nvim. Remapping and plugins like cutlass.nvim doesn't fit to...
I am currently writing a math text in LaTeX using Vim, and this involves a lot of matrices. The crux of my problem is that the command\dots, which is supposed to be used everywhere in math environments for printing 3 consecutive dots (…), and deal automatically with ...
Find and replace is a powerful feature of Vim, which allows you to make changes to your text quickly.
vim(1) vimdiff(1) vimdot(1) vimtutor(1) vipw(1B) vmmouse_detect(1) vncconfig(1) vncpasswd(1) vncserver(1) vncviewer(1) volcheck(1) volrmmount(1) vp(1) w(1) wait(1) Wand-config(1) watchgnupg(1) wbinfo(1) wc(1) wc(1g) webalizer(1) webpng(1) werl(1) wftopfa(1) ...
Syntax of the text substitution inside vim editor: :[range]s[ubstitute]/{pattern}/{string}/[flags] [count] Following are three possible flags. [c]Confirm each substitution. [g]Replace all occurrences in the line. [i]Ignore case for the pattern. ...
{replace_all(str,"=","");replace_all(str,"+","-");replace_all(str,"/","_");returnstr; } 开发者ID:rallan9,项目名称:inetfs,代码行数:8,代码来源:ClientInfo.cpp 示例2: replace_all ▲点赞 7▼ stringparser::fix_corrupted_data(conststring&in) ...
Vim provides :retab! command which will replace all sequences of <Tab> with new strings of white-space using the new tabstop (e.g. :set tabstop=2) value given, but all tabs inside of strings can be modified (e.g. in a C program, you should use \t to avoid this)! So alternat...
I just changed the 2 spaces to 4 as I use in Vim set ts = 4. s serup This worked for me: you can see tabs with first doing this: :set list then to make it possible to replace tabs then do this: :set expandtab then :retab now all tabs have been replaced with...
To search and replace in the nano editor, you have to follow 3 simple steps: PressCtrl + \orAlt + rto open search and replace prompt Enter the term you want to search and press theEnterkey It will show you matching terms one by one. If you want to replace all of them pressAor ke...
searchterm = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(insearchterm, dic)) searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]',' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8') logger.debug("Converting Search Term [%s] to Web Safe Search Term [%s]"% (insearchterm, searchterm))returnsearchterm ...