vimregex. 这个网址对vim和regular express的介绍非常细致,包括greedy matching的部分,推荐下。 Vim Regular Expressions 101
量词的完整列表可参考:help multi。 在表6.4中,读者应该注意到了两个新术语:贪婪匹配模式(greedy)和非贪婪匹配模式(non-greedy)。贪婪匹配模式指的是尽可能多地匹配字符,而非贪婪匹配模式则是尽可能少地匹配字符。 比如,对于字符串foo2bar2,贪婪正则表达式\w\+2将匹配foo2bar2(尽可能多地匹配,直到最后一个2为...
量词的完整列表可参考:help multi。 在表6.4中,读者应该注意到了两个新术语:贪婪匹配模式(greedy)和非贪婪匹配模式(non-greedy)。贪婪匹配模式指的是尽可能多地匹配字符,而非贪婪匹配模式则是尽可能少地匹配字符。 比如,对于字符串foo2bar2,贪婪正则表达式\w\+2...
vim,regex,not-greedy python .*? vim .\{-}
其中“#”是转义字符,表明其后的“/”字符是具有实际意义的字符,不是分隔符。 s/str1/str2/ 用字符串 str2 替换行中首次出现的字符串 str1 :s/str1/str2/g 用字符串 str2 替换行中所有出现的字符串 str1 :s/str1/str2/gi 用字符串 str2 替换行中所有出现的字符串 str1,在查找时不区分大小写...
Personally, I think it makes regexps more readable - the less backlashes are there the better. Perl allows you to convert any quantifier into a non-greedy version by adding an extra ? after it. So *? is a non-greedy *. Perl supports a lots of weird options that can be appended to...
There are already good implementations of this kind, such asfuzzyyandfzf. This plugin, while minimal, encompasses all essential features, excluding the preview window, which I consider non-essential. The emphasis is on performance -- pushing the essential features to their limits, and eliminating ...
Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.8 and higher) experience with minimal effort - mini.nvim/doc/mini-ai.txt at e50cf9de614500a20e47cfc50e30a100042f91c3 · echasnovski/mini.nvim
x+?x\{-1,}Match1ormoreof x, non-greedy \b \<\>Word boundaries $n Backreferencesforpreviously grouped matches 这使您感受到最重要的差异。但是,如果您做的事情比基础更为复杂,我建议您始终假定Vim-regex与Perl-regex或Javascript-regex有所不同,并可以咨询Vim Regex网站等信息。