我不得不说,我和维姆之间最坚韧的墙是缺乏容易做到的。匹配整字多光标匹配单词的意思关于多个游标,有一个答案:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11784408/vim-multiline-editing-like-in-sublimetext我想要的只是像可定位一样简单,不需要安装一些插件。我通常使用vim来检查某个文件,但 浏览0提问于2019-06-29得...
"terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics":true,"editor.linkedEditing":true,// prettier"prettier.printWidth":350,"prettier.arrowParens":"avoid","editor.defaultFormatter":"esbenp.prettier-vscode",// vim"vim.easymotion":true,// #leader leader w/f/e/b(word, end ,back), 启动"vim.incsearch"...
The command-line window is useful for writing out long complicated commands. Since the command history opens as a window, you can use any vim navigation or editing command/mapping. Say you want to edit a long substitution command that you ran once, but had made a mistake: :%165,177s:her...
ryvnf/readline.vim : a library used for implementing line editing across many command-line tools sickill/vim-pasta : improve indentation of pasting stsewd/gx-extended.vim : Extend gx to use it beyond just URLs svermeulen/vim-cutlass : overrides the delete operations to actually just delete an...
{ 'typescript', 'javascript', 'javascriptreact', 'typescriptreact', 'vue' },init_options={typescript={tsdk=''},documentFeatures={selectionRange=true,foldingRange=true,linkedEditingRange=true,documentSymbol=true,--not supported - https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/13654documentColor=false,...
You have to be aware that the hidden Vim process is initialized in a specific way that is very different from your regular Vim editing sessions: Yourvimrcfile is ignored using the-u NONEcommand line option. Yourgvimrcfile (if you even knew it existed ;-) is ignored using the-U NONEcomma...
However, it's possible to restrict text emphasis to a single line (i.e., for it to be applied a closing token must be found on the same line). To do so:``` sh let g:vim_markdown_emphasis_multiline = 0 ```Syntax Concealingg:vim_markdown_conceal ...
I'm also not very familiar with this style of editing as the only info I could find on using (n)vim -e -c 'command' is on a single page:https://blog.robertelder.org/use-vim-inside-a-unix-pipe-like-sed-or-awk/but it's probably the best way to do this. ...