匹配整字多光标匹配单词的意思关于多个游标,有一个答案:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11784408/vim-multiline-editing-like-in-sublimetext我想要的只是像可定位一样简单,不需要安装一些插件。我通常使用vim来检查某个文件,但 浏览0提问于2019-06-29得票数 1 1回答 打开eclipse中使用CLI创建的phonegap项目的...
"It should be possible to make this workforthe combination of " -fno-show-column and -fcaret-diagnostics as well with multiline "and%p, but I was too lazy to figure it out. " "The %Dand%X patterns arenotclang per se. They capture the " directory change messages from (GNU) 'make ...
"Itshouldbepossibletomakethisworkforthecombinationof "-fno-show-columnand-fcaret-diagnosticsaswellwithmultiline "and%p,butIwastoolazytofigureitout. " "The%Dand%Xpatternsarenotclangperse.Theycapturethe "directorychangemessagesfrom(GNU)'make-w'.Ineededthis "forbuildingaprojectwhichusedrecursiveMakefiles....
syn keyword cType ActiveQt Q3Accel Q3Action Q3ActionGroup Q3AsciiBucket Q3AsciiCache Q3AsciiCacheIterator Q3AsciiDict Q3AsciiDictIterator Q3BaseBucket Q3BoxLayout Q3Button Q3ButtonGroup Q3CString Q3Cache Q3CacheIterator Q3Canvas Q3CanvasEllipse Q3CanvasItem Q3CanvasItemList Q3CanvasLine Q3CanvasPixmap Q3...
" Remark: Includes a highlighter for any embedded Autodoc format. " Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " For multiline strings, try formatting them as SQL syn include @pikeSQL <sfile>:p:...
Say you want to edit a long substitution command that you ran once, but had made a mistake: :%165,177s:here is a whole bunch of text I wnat to replace:here is the replacement:c In order to change the search string, you cannot use vim motions like b in the Ex line to navigate...
Replace all occurrences of the text in the system clipboard (in the*register) with 'bar' (see next example if multiline). On some systems, selecting text (in Vim or another application) is all that is required to place that text in the*register. ...
:let g:vim_markdown_folding_level = 1 :edit Disable Default Key Mappings g:vim_markdown_no_default_key_mappings Add the following line to your.vimrcto disable default key mappings: let g:vim_markdown_no_default_key_mappings = 1
│ ├── setup.lua │ └── ui.lua ├── plugin-config │ ├── bufferline....
Ifg:repl_python_automergeis 1, once user sends code which is seperated into multilines, they are combined into one line automatically. For example, if the code is: a =1+\2+\3 , thena = 1+2+3will be sent to the repl environment instead of three lines. ...