-- 跳到行首行尾 Jump to the end of the first line keymap.set('i', '<C-h>', '<Esc>I', opt) keymap.set('i', '<C-l>', '<Esc>A', opt) -- --- 视觉模式 Visual --- --- -- 单行或多行移动 Single-line or multi-line movement keymap.set("v", "<leader>j", ":m '>...
Everything from this post is applicable to both VIM and NeoVIM, however, if you're actually using NeoVIM then I highly recommend following this tutorial on how to create your init.lua config instead with a fully usable example and each line explained - it'll give you a noticeably faster ID...
在Vim 中,快速跳转到行尾是一项常见的编辑任务。以下是一些在 Vim 中实现这个目标的方法: 1. 使用$键 在普通模式下,按下$键可以将光标移动到当前行的行尾。这是最简单和直接的方法。 $ 2. 使用g_键 类似地,在普通模式下,按下g_键也可以将光标移动到当前行的行尾。相较于$键,g_键将光标定位到行尾的...
2. Move the cursor to the line below marked--->. 3. Move the cursor to the beginning of a word that needs to be deleted. 4. Type dw tomakethe word disappear. NOTE: The letter d will appear on the last line of the screen as you type it. Vim is waitingforyou to type w . If...
" I like using H and L for beginning/end of line nmap H ^ nmap L $ " nmap J 5j " nmap K 5k 按段落跳转光标 " Moving to next/prev paragraph nmap [ { nmap ] } 按Heading 跳转光标 " Moving to next/prev heading exmap nextHeading jsfile .obsidian.markdown-helper.js {jumpHeading(...
Type dw to delete a word. 键入dw 以删除一个单词. Press <ESC> to make sure you are in Normal mode. 按下<ESC> 以确保你处于正常模式。 Move the cursor to the line below marked --->. 移动光标到以下以--->标记的行。 Move the cursor to the beginning of a word that needs to be dele...
["<C-n>"], "commands": [":nohl"] }, { "before": ["K"], "commands": ["lineBreakInsert"], "silent": true } ], "vim.leader": "<space>", "vim.handleKeys": { "<C-a>": false, "<C-f>": false }, "// To improve performance", "extensions.experimental.affinity": { "...
s("cond2", { t("will only expand at the beginning of the line"), }, { condition = conds.line_begin, }), -- The last entry of args passed to the user-function is the surrounding snippet. s( { trig = "a%d", regTrig = true }, f(function(_, snip) return "Triggered with ...
First, go to line#30by entering:30inexmode, then return to command mode and hitma(m, thena) to create a mark named“a”in line30. Then go to line 250 (with:250in ex mode) and hit`a(backtick, thena) to return to markain line30. ...
pressing "w" takes you to the beginning of the next word, "b" back to the previous word, and "$" to the end of the line. You can also combine these with numbers to move faster. For example, "3w" moves to the beginning of the third word. Vim provides many of thesenavigation comm...