w Move to next word W Move to next blank delimited word b Move to the beginning of the word B Move to the beginning of blank delimted word e Move to the end of the word E Move to the end of Blank delimited word ( Move a sentence back ) Move a sentence forward { Move a paragra...
Move to the end of the line. 移动到行首:0 Move to the beginning of the line. 移动到文件末尾:G Jump to end of file. 移动到文件的开头:1G Jump to beginning of files (same asgg) 参考: Moving around
Now let's get to some advanced skills of vim.} Advanced Vim Features 1.The tilde (~) key will change the capitalization of the current selection(i.e.,'vim' becomes 'VIM') 2.Moving to the beginning or end of a line can be accomplished with 0 and $,respectively. 3.By pressing m,f...
keymap.set('t', '<C-l>', [[ <C-><C-N><C-w>l ]], opt) -- H 移动到行首(Move to the beginning of the line),L 移动到行尾(Move to end of line) keymap.set('n', 'H', '^', opt) keymap.set('n', 'L', 'g_', opt) -- 上下滚动浏览(Scroll up and down) keymap.se...
Say that I have the following beginning of file. I often navigate to the top of the file with gg, but then I want to go to line 4, i.e. last non-empty line so that I can import other stuff on a new line with o. Is there a command to do that? Of course I could do 4j ...
While making changes to the configuration file, most users will add new lines at the end of the file. Sure you can use the down arrow key multiple times to get there but that's not practical. The same goes for going to the beginning of the file!
^Move to the starting non-whitespace character of the line. w/WMove to the beginning of the next word. e/EMove to the end of the word. (Actually, move to the beginning of the next word and move one character left.) b/BMove to the beginning of the previous word. ...
0/$ Move to the start/end of the line. Ctrl-a/Ctrl-e Move to the start/end of the line (emacs like). ^ Move to the starting non-whitespace character of the line. w/W Move to the beginning of the next word. e/E Move to the end of the word. (Actually, move to the beginnin...
1. Move the cursor to the line below marked--->. 2. To fix the errors, move the cursoruntilit is ontopof the character to be deleted. 3. Press the x key to delete the unwanted character. 4. Repeat steps2through4untilthe sentence is correct. ...
If someone wants to put a tab (or some spaces) after inserting the line numbers using thethis excellent answer, here's a way. After going into the escape mode, do: :%s/^/\=line('.').' '/ ^means beginning of a line and%sis the directive for substitution. So, we say that put ...