安装完 vim-plug 之后, 我们就可以使用其为我们服务安装插件了, 我们只需要在 call plug#begin(~/.vim/plugged) 与call plug#end() 中指明我们需要的第三方插件即可, 如下:12345678 call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } } " 模糊搜索Plug 'junegu...
dw- delete (cut) from the current cursor location to the start of the next word db- delete (cut) from the current cursor location to the end of the previous word dd- delete (cut) the whole line (along with the newline character) 4dd- delete (cut) 4 lines (along with the newline...
"Show a few lines of context around the cursor. Note that this makes the"text scroll if you mouse-click near the start or end of the window.setscrolloff=5"Do incremental searching.setincsearch"Don't use Ex mode, use Q for formatting.mapQgq ...
you can make your Completer query your semantic back-end in an asynchronous fashion, thus not blocking Vim's GUI thread while your completion system is processing stuff. This is impossible with VimScript. All of YCM's completers use the Completer API. ...
nnoremap<Space>d<C-d>nnoremap<Space>u<C-u>" Insert mode shortcut inoremap<C-h><Left>inoremap<C-j><Down>inoremap<C-k><Up>inoremap<C-l><Right>inoremap<C-a><Home>inoremap<C-e><End>inoremap<C-d><Delete>" Quit insert mode
of line nnoremap H ^ " Move to the end of line nnoremap L $ " Redo nnoremap U <C-r> " Yank to the end of line nnoremap Y y$ " quit ==> close current window nnoremap <Space>q <C-W>w " Window operation nnoremap <Space>ww <C-W>w nnoremap <Space>wd <C-W>c nnoremap <...
" plugin shortcuts function! RunShell(Msg, Shell) echo a:Msg . '...' call system(a:Shell) echon 'done' endfunction nmap <F2> :TlistToggle<cr> nmap <F3> :NERDTreeToggle<cr> nmap <F4> :MRU<cr> nmap <F5> <Plug>LookupFile<cr> nmap <F6> :vimgrep /<C-R>=expan...
229\cs set end-of-linecommentcolumn(n) 230\c* code ->comment/* */(n,v) 231\cc code ->comment//(n,v) 232\cocomment-> code(n,v) 233\cfr framecomment(n,i) 234\cfu functioncomment(n,i) 235\cme method description(n,i)
<C-e> move cursor to the end of the line endOfLine <C-u> delete to the beginning of the line deleteToBeginning <C-o> delete to the end of the line deleteToEnd <C-y> delete back one word deleteWord <C-p> delete forward one word deleteForwardWord unmapped delete back one characte...
229\cs set end-of-linecommentcolumn(n) 230\c* code ->comment/* */(n,v) 231\cc code ->comment//(n,v) 232\cocomment-> code(n,v) 233\cfr framecomment(n,i) 234\cfu functioncomment(n,i) 235\cme method description(n,i)