You can delete a line in Vim withddi.e. pressing thedkey twice. But what if you want to delete all the lines in Vim? You cannot do Ctrl+A and use Del key like you do in a regular text editor. That's not howVimworks. There is no straightforward keyboard shortcut for this. Howeve...
ddremoves all text from the current line (deleting the full line) and saves the removed text to the clipboard. ppastes (puts) anything from the Vim clipboard to the current cursor, and pairs nicely with the full line delete shortcut above. rreplaces a character and is great for a quick...
d^- delete (cut) from the current cursor location to the start of the line Once you have deleted text that you want to cut, you can easily paste it. Paste in Vim To paste text from the clipboard, you can use the standard keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Shift + v", but it isn't the...
dd (Normal-mode): delete current line d{motion} (Normal-mode): delete range indicated by {motion}<Plug>(FerretBack)Ferret provides <Plug>(FerretBack) which can be used to trigger the :Back command. To configure a mapping for it, use :nmap:nmap...
Global shortcut keys Main Modes Here are the main modes. The initial state is the insert mode, thenESCorCtrl-[brings you to the normal mode. In the normal mode,iis the key to being back to the insert mode. v(andCtrl-v),VandCtrl-vare the key to the Character-wise and the Line-wis...
刚接触 Vim 的同学往往因为无法搭建开发环境而“从入门到放弃”,本文旨在帮助这些同学搭建开发环境,聚焦于最核心的开发需求,忽略换配色调字体之类的细枝末节。如果需要开箱即用的 vim 配置(发行版),可以使用Spacevim。 本文使用 neovim-nightly,但也适用于 Vim 8.2+,不需要读者有任何 VimL 基础,以 C/C++ 为例,...
x→ Delete the char under the cursor :wq→ Save and Quit (:wsave,:qquit) dd→ Delete (and copy) current line p→ Paste Recommended: hjkl(highly recommended but not mandatory) → basic cursor move (←↓↑→). Hint:jlook like a down arrow. ...
nnoremap<Space>d<C-d>nnoremap<Space>u<C-u>" Insert mode shortcut inoremap<C-h><Left>inoremap<C-j><Down>inoremap<C-k><Up>inoremap<C-l><Right>inoremap<C-a><Home>inoremap<C-e><End>inoremap<C-d><Delete>" Quit insert mode
<M-p>: Toggle Autopairs (g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle) <M-e>: Fast Wrap (g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap) <M-n>: Jump to next closed pair (g:AutoPairsShortcutJump) <M-b>: BackInsert (g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert) <M-(> / <M-)> / <M-[> / <M-]> / <M-{> / <M-}> / ...
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | \ exe "normal g'\"" | \ endif " SHORTCUT SETTINGS: {{{1 " Set mapleader let mapleader="," " Space to command mode. nnoremap <space> : vnoremap <space> : " Switching between buffers. nnoremap <C-...