vi / vim show line number command To display line numbers along the left side of a window, type any one of the following: :set number or :set nu You can also define a mapping to toggle the option, for example: :nmap <C-N><C-N> :set invnumber<CR> By pressing Ctrl-N twice in...
vim display line number cd /etc/vim sudo chmod 777 vimrc add :ser number to vimrc, then save and quit
<CR> set pastetoggle=<F2> " Uncomment below to set the max textwidth. Use a value corresponding to the width of your screen. " set textwidth=79 set formatoptions=tcqrn1 set tabstop=2 set shiftwidth=2 set softtabstop=2 set expandtab set noshiftround " Display 5 lines above/below the...
"SF Pro Display", Roboto, Noto, Arial, "PingFang SC", sans-serif; font-style: italic; overflow-wrap: break-word;">ge ,不过‘单词’包含单词相邻的标点。 (: 前移
2096 * Changes to a buffer require updating of the display. To minimize the 2097 * work, remember changes made and update everything at once. 2098 */ 2099 int b_mod_set; /* TRUE when there are changes since the last 2100 time the display was updated */ 2101 linenr_T b_mod...
*/ syn_stack_alloc(); if (syn_block->b_sst_array == NULL) return; // out of memory syn_block->b_sst_lasttick = display_tick; /* * If the state of the end of the previous line is useful, store it. */ if (VALID_STATE(¤t_state) && current_lnum < lnum && current_...
set fileencodings=utf-8,ucs-bom,gb18030,,gb2312,cp936 if has("win32") set guifont=Inconsolata:h12:cANSI endif let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow=1 " exit taglist when only left taglist window let Tlist_Show_One_File=1 " only display tags for current active buffer...
1563 typedef long linenr_T; /* line number type */ 1564 typedef int colnr_T; /* column number type */ 1565 typedef unsigned short disptick_T; /* display tick type */ 1566 1567 /* 1568 * Well, you won't believe it, but some S/390 machines ("host", now also known ...
Display vim markers #4710 Vimrc: Any way to remap :W to :w #4689 Nth (Numbered powered) search doesn't work #4669 Support g~~ #4567 Can we support textobj-parameter plugin please ?? #4543 Fixed Bugs: \<count\>gg with nostartofline should not change cursor column #4782 Conserve ...
桌面版linux使用vim-devicons插件会出现乱码,需要设置终端字体为Droid Sans Mono for Powerline Nerd Font Complete,使用xshell等工具连接服务器linux的用户就没有必要使用vim-devicons了,可以在插件目录将vim-devicons目录删除,不然会导致NerdTree的缩进有问题。