:highlight LineNr term=bold cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkGrey ctermbg=NONE gui=NONE guifg=DarkGrey guibg=NONE (Fig.01: Vi / Vim line numbers in action - click to enlarge image) To turn off line number again enter the same command: :set nonumber or :set nu! If you need number every ...
jupyter-notebook、settings、jupyter-lab 我们可以在Jupyter Lab的"View“选项卡中启用/禁用在每个代码块中显示LineNumbers。但每次我打开Jupyter-lab的新实例时,都必须这样做。 默认情况下,它不会一直显示lineNumber处于启用状态。 如何保持默认情况下启用lineNumber? 浏览59提问于2021-11-06得票数 0 1回答 ...
" filename under the cursorletfile_name=expand('<cfile>')if!strlen(file_name)echo'NO FILE UNDER CURSOR'returnendif" look for a line number separated by any :,"<space>ifsearch('\%#\f*[:, "]*\zs[0-9]\+')" change the'iskeyword'option temporarily to pick up just numberslettemp=&...
set statusline+=%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %p%% " Right aligned file nav info endif set backspace=indent,eol,start " Backspace for dummies set linespace=0 " No extra spaces between rows set number " Line numbers on set showmatch " Show matching brackets/parenthesis set incsearch " Find as...
" turn absolute line numbers on :set number :set nu " turn absolute line numbers off :set nonumber :set nonu " toggle absolute line numbers :set number! :set nu! Besides being useful for finding a line from a stack trace or a test result, you can use line numbers to help you ju...
// 启用vimrc文件"vim.vimrc.enable":true,// vimrc文件"vim.vimrc.path":"$HOME/.vimrc",// 启用相对行号"editor.lineNumbers":"relative",// 绑定vim前导键"vim.leader":"<space>",// 启用easymotion插件"vim.easymotion":true,// 启用系统粘贴板作为vim寄存器"vim.useSystemClipboard":false,// 由...
Problem When smart relative line number is enabled ("vim.smartRelativeLine": true), the line numbers in the Jupyter Notebook cell is too close to the code if the cursor is not on those lines. Is it possible to add right margin to these l...
set number " show line numbers set showmatch " 括号配对情况 set showmode " set showmode set showcmd " show typed command in status bar set title " show file in titlebar set laststatus=2 " use 2 lines for the status bar set matchtime=2 " show matching bracket for 0.2 seconds "set...
To set the line numbers and paste complex texts inside the file: set num- Sets the line numbers. set paste- Pastes a bulk of text from some other location. To move forward and backward for one fullscreen: Ctrl+f- moves forward by fullscreen. ...
$ defaults write com.microsoft.VSCode ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -boolfalse2.为代码编辑区域设置相对行号以方便vim模式操作,在settings.json中添加上以下配置项"editor.lineNumbers":"relative",3.关闭自动传参建议,使用按键手动触发,在settings.json中添加上以下配置项"editor.parameterHints.enabled":false,4.控制资源...