{"configurations": {"run": {"adapter":"debugpy","configuration": {"request":"launch","type":"python","cwd":"${workspaceFolder}","program":"${file}","stopOnEntry":true,"args": [],"console":"integratedTerminal"},"breakpoints": {"exception": {"raised":"N","uncaught":""} } } ...
{"configurations": {"Vim - run a test": {// 配置名"adapter":"vscode-cpptools",// 使用的调试适配器"configuration": {// 具体的配置"type":"cppdbg",// 调试器类型:cppdbg(GDB/LLDB) 或 cppvsdbg(VISUAL STUDIO)"request":"launch",// 调试类型:launch(启动程序) 或 attach(连接进程)"program"...
The awesome version includes a lot of great plugins, configurations and color schemes that make Vim a lot better. To install it simply do following from your terminal:git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/amix/vimrc.git ~/.vim_runtime sh ~/.vim_runtime/install_awesome_vimrc.sh ...
The awesome version includes a lot of great plugins, configurations and color schemes that make Vim a lot better. To install it simply do following from your terminal: git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/amix/vimrc.git ~/.vim_runtime sh ~/.vim_runtime/install_awesome_vimrc.sh ...
Thanks to some people fromPyar, who show me vim for the first time and shared their configurations with me on the PyCamp 2010 :). Some of my tweaks were copied from their configurations. Hector Sanchez Juanjo Conti Lucas Joaquin Sorianello ...
首先需要一个dap的客户端负责在编辑器上显示各种调试信息,并且与用户进行交互。然后需要一个服务端,与客户端通信并完成调试的实际步骤。然后需要配置两个东西,dap.adapters用来配置如何启动调试器,dap.configurations用来配置如何将当前项目加载到调试器上。 本篇我们进一步配置dap。让它变得更好用,并且介绍编译型语言(C...
Easy Migration of Vim configurations in the ~/.ideavimrc file IdeaVim provides a configuration file similar to a Vim configuration file. If you want, you can source your file and reuse your mappings in an IDE. Vim options that you use in your workflow are also supported. ...
Seerequirementspage for debugging information & tested configurations Create anissue Usage Add a vim-plug section to your~/.vimrc(orstdpath('config') . '/init.vim'for Neovim) Begin the section withcall plug#begin([PLUGIN_DIR]) List the plugins withPlugcommands ...
configurations.cpp = { { name = "Launch file", type = "codelldb", request = "launch", program = function() return vim.fn.input('Path to executable: ', vim.fn.getcwd() .. '/', 'file') end, pid = function() local handle = io.popen('pgrep hw$') local result = handle:read...
Below are examples of Vim configurations that can be added to the .vimrc file. Lines beginning with a"are comments: " Indent automatically depending on filetypefiletype indent onset autoindent" Turn on line numbering. Turn it off with "set nonu"set number" Set syntax onsyntax on" Case inse...