I want to know what are you guys using (.vimrc configuration/plugins) for vim, especially for C++ competitive environment. If somebody can also help me to run a clang compiler for C++ code in Vim editor itself than It will be very helpful. Looking forward to receiving responses from all ...
1 Main command lines # setup vimrc gitclone--depth=1https://github.com/amix/vimrc.git ~/.vim_runtime sh~/.vim_runtime/install_awesome_vimrc.sh # setup YouCompleteMe cd~/.vim_runtime/sources_non_forked gitclone https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe.git cdYouCompleteMe gitsubmodule upd...
elm-vim Instructions to get started withElmtooling inVim. Setup Configuration examples FAQ Setup Language Server Installelm-language-serverand itsdependencies. It provides most features, e.g. diagnostics (elm make), linting, jump to definition, formatting (elm-format) and more. It is a standalon...
If your Fedora 16 does not have vim installed, you’ill get the following error : [root@fedora16 ~]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf -bash: vim: command not found To install vim on your Fedora 16, simply run the following command : [root@fedora16 ~]# yum install vim -y or [root...
" change the mapleader from \ to ,letmapleader="," Once that is done, this is a little tweak that is a time-saver while you’re building up your.vimrc. Here, we start using the leader key: " Quickly edit/reload the vimrc filenmap<silent><leader>ev :e$MYVIMRC<CR>nmap<silent>...
Note: Doing this isoptional. Using just the standard nvim-lspconfigrequire'lspconfig'.volar.setup{}instead of the code below is completely fine. What "multiple language servers" does in the context of Volar is explained here:#393 (reply in thread) ...
Click and drag the monitor icons to best match your physical setup. ClickOKto apply the changes and close the window. To mirror the image from your primary monitor instead of extending your desktop, refer to the following FAQ:http://www.startech.com/faq/Windows_Mirroring_Monitors ...
Mac Users, If you have installed maven from HomeBrew(Brew), Or even if you have installed it from elsewhere, If you want to change the default version of the Java used by the Maven, You can use following commands to change the version that the maven uses, vim ~/.mavenrc In the gui...
root@ubuntu-14:~# vim /etc/ufw/before.rules After adding the new rules, enable the `ufw` and then check its status as shown in below. You will be able to see the status of newly added allowed ports. We have almost done the OpenVPN Server and Client setup. Now, finally make sure ...
It's that simple. Depending on how fast you read and how in-depth you want to go, you could easily have a fully-configured* Vim setup in about an hour. Once you've done this, the hard part is learning to use what you just installed! I went back through and added some usage infor...