CS2手臂放缩偏移指令介绍: 1、客户端命令解释:客户端命令改变后会被游戏记住,下次启动游戏仍然为改变后的值,如果要恢复默认值就再输入一次该命令,值为文章中的默认值即可。 2、viewmodel_fov:命令用于放缩手臂显示,默认值为60,最大为68,最小值为54,其中正数缩小显示手臂(手臂模型前移),负数放大显示手臂,(手臂模型...
CS:GO 指令: viewmodel_fov - 这个命令将您的客户端视场设置为指定的数值。您可以使用这个命令将视场设置到最大68。默认的视场是60。
After enabling sv_cheats, you can change your field of view by replacing NUMBER in the below command with the FOV you wish to set (default is 90): fov_cs_debug NUMBER Since the default FOV for CS2 is 90, the below command would make your field of view larger by setting it to 120 ...
These are the best CS2 viewmodel settings, which grant a combination of clear line-of-sight on the target and reduce excessive clutter from the player model. You can enter these commands individually into the console. viewmodel_fov 68 viewmodel_offset_x 2.5 viewmodel_offset_y 1 viewmodel_offset...
However, while the Ukrainian superstar is currently struggling in CS2 ever since coming back from his hiatus, ZywOo is doing better than ever. The French sniper is still part of Team Vitality, with whom he secured IEM Cologne 2024, for example. With him being merely 24 years old and being...
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snax撞车m0nesy惨遭鞭“尸” snax:要是4年前的我 so EZ 【Faceit平台天梯POV 丨2024.12.19】#csgo #cs2 #m0nesy #G2 m0nesy准心 :CSGO-8nb3d-Et6WE-QsF6B-V3E7j-WphrM持枪视角:viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 2...
1,2,3都有它预设好的持枪视角,改viewmodel_presetpos是大前提。 这就是你改viewmodel_fov 68生效不了的原因, 因为你的viewmodel_presetpos 可能是1,1的情况下,viewmodel_fov预设为60。这就是为什么你在游戏里改68,重新上游戏,viewmodel_fov又被改成60了。
We’re not fans if we haven’t wondered what settings the top percentile players, the masters of the crafts, play with. If you’ve passively done so, though, I’ve got you covered. Today, we look at eDPI and other such details of the players on the top rung of the CS:GO ladder...
小蜜蜂火仔 纯炸鱼 准星:CSGO-fXoWN-JMBkC-Cww94-Ew6BH-WbxTC(设置-游戏设置-准星-导入准星) DPI:400 游戏内灵敏度:3.0 eDPI:1200 开镜灵敏度:1.10 画面: 1280x960 4 - 春山.于20250109发布在抖音,已经收获了53个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!