Tip:Consider using mail merge in Microsoft Office Word 2007 as an alternative to Bcc. With mail merge, you can quickly send the same email message to individual recipients. Mail merge allows you to do a mass mailing with just one name in theTobox of the message...
To make it easier to see the just the recipients, use a macro to display the CC or BCC addresses in a message box. Create a button on the ribbon to run the macro, then select a message and click the button to display a message box containing the BCC addresses. If you need a copy ...
View voting results/responses in Outlook After sending an email with voting buttons, if the recipients voted and sent you responses, you will receive voting response emails. Please do as follows to view all voting responses from recipients in Outlook. ...
OutlookStatView是一款简易实用,功能全面的邮件管理软件,它可以自动统计用户的电子邮件接收记录,并且还能够为您实时显示记录,同时也能够记录您给他人发送的信息,有喜欢的小伙伴快来下载吧! 软件特色 对于每用户或电子邮件,以下信息被显示: 您寄发到用户信息的数量(由to/cc/bcc隔开),用户寄发到您接收的消息的数字,消...
Question:I want to find the list of “undisclosed recipients” of the email I’ve received. Is there a way? No. “Undisclosed recipients” shows in the “To:” linewhen the messagebeing sent has no entries in the “To:” or “Cc:” fields. The sender has used the “Bcc:” feature...
Generally speaking, we can set a rule to automatically forward emails to the specified recipients, such as your another email account, your Gmail, or your colleagues, etc. But, all we know it will take a long time to configure a custom rule in Outlook. Now, we introduce Kutools for Outlo...
《OutlookStatView》官方版是扫描Outlook 邮箱的工具,可以显示您通过电子邮件发送或接收的邮件的统计。会显示的信息有:您寄发到用户信息的数量(由to/cc/bcc隔开),用户寄发到您接收的消息的数字,消息的总数、用户使用的电子邮件客户端软件等。 软件截图
thanks for your explanation. This was some years ago: What came to my mind was the fact, that OL 2013 shows the number of recipients in the info area also for Dynamic Distribution Lists. How is this possible? Is there a new property that includes the number of members for Dynamic DLs?
(right click and add BCC field).Here is the problem. Outlook will let you do that to a subfolder, but it doesn't KEEP that view for ALL the subfolders. No matter which folder they open, they want the BCC field to be visible at the top. I even did this on the main mailbox an...
在Outlook中创建新电子邮件,回复或转发电子邮件时,默认情况下“密件抄送”字段处于隐藏状态。 实际上,您可以启用“密件抄送”字段,并使其始终在Outlook中显示。 如何在通过 Outlook 发送电子邮件时始终密件抄送自己? 也许在某些情况下,您总是希望BCC自己通过Outlook发送任何电子邮件,但有时由于粗心,您可能会忘记将帐户地...