OutlookStatView是一款简易实用,功能全面的邮件管理软件,它可以自动统计用户的电子邮件接收记录,并且还能够为您实时显示记录,同时也能够记录您给他人发送的信息,有喜欢的小伙伴快来下载吧! 软件特色 对于每用户或电子邮件,以下信息被显示: 您寄发到用户信息的数量(由to/cc/bcc隔开),用户寄发到您接收的消息的数字,消...
To make it easier to see the just the recipients, use a macro to display the CC or BCC addresses in a message box. Create a button on the ribbon to run the macro, then select a message and click the button to display a message box containing the BCC addresses. If you need a copy ...
《OutlookStatView》官方版是Outlook邮箱扫描扫描工具,可以直接显示消息的数字,消息的总数,显示邮件的各种统计。感兴趣的话就来下载使用吧。 软件简介 《OutlookStatView》官方版是扫描Outlook 邮箱的工具,可以显示您通过电子邮件发送或接收的邮件的统计。会显示的信息有:您寄发到用户信息的数量(由to/cc/bcc隔开),用户...
2. In the Properties window, go to Internet headers section, drag the scroll bar to view all headers. Or you can click the arrow icon in the Tags group under the Message tab to quickly open the Properties dialog.One-click to view email header information with Kutools for Outlook 👍 ...
📧 Email Automation: Auto Reply (Available for POP and IMAP) / Schedule Send Emails / Auto CC/BCC by Rules When Sending Email / Auto Forward (Advanced Rules) / Auto Add Greeting / Automatically Split Multi-Recipient Emails into Individual Messages ... 📨 Email Management: Recall Emails /...
In new Outlook, open a new message or reply to a message. FromOptions>Show fields, selectShow Bcc. Add the names of people you want on the Bcc line. Note:When you add someone's email address to the Bcc (blind carbon copy) box, a...
This brings us back to the original question: how do you find out who the email was sent to? You don’t. That’s the whole point of BCC.That’s what “undisclosed” means. You can’t view the people who were BCC’ed. The information about who the email was sent to is not includ...
要在Microsoft Outlook的邮件列表中查看或显示发件人的电子邮件域,可以按照以下方法进行获取。 步骤1:打开邮件文件夹,您将在其中查看或显示发件人的电子邮件域。 步骤2:点击添加列上的按钮首页标签。 备注:在Outlook 2007中,您可以单击首页>当前视图>自定义当前视图,然后单击字段弹出“自定义视图:紧凑”对话框中的“...
A decrypted message will show a safety tip about the sensitivity of the email message: Messages that aren't decrypted because of admin settings look like this: Note:If you see this, we recommend using theOutlook for iOSapp. When you reply to a message, Exchange Online wil...
For each user/email, OutlookStatView displays the following information: The number of outgoing messages that you sent to the user (separated by to/cc/bcc). The number of incoming messages that the user sent to you. The total size of messages sent by the user. The email client softwa...