ban nhieu nhieu其实就是有一些越南人喜欢说的,就像中文,你要吃多多,走久久的,这里的意思应该是,朋友很多,朋友多多的。
biet nam 越南是不缺早是ban rat nhieu 你很懂伏中雀?的确像是拼错了met moi 累 匿名用户2023-10-22 21:12 tieng viet:散正槐越南语Viet nam:越南ban nhieu nhieu这个拼写是否错了?请查冲友证一下me moi是否是met moi,如果是,那就清肆是“很累”的意思 相关问答 “tai phan mem tieng viet nam”是...
About Vietnam Coracle About My Categories About Vietnam About Advertising [Back to Contents] ABOUT: ME & THE TEAM About Me: I’m Tom. I’ve lived, travelled and worked in Vietnam since 2005 and I love it here. Born in London, I was lucky enough to travel abroad from an early age ...
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Chemical fractionation of copper and cadmium in the sediment of the Nhieuloc canal in Hochiminh City, VietnamNguyen Thi, Kim PhuongNguyen Thi, Dung
Framing gender equality and norm shifting: a case study of the Pillars Campaign (Nha Nhieu Cot) on Vietnamese social media Nguyet Minh LeTuan Anh VuMinh Ngoc Tran
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