Born in London, I was lucky enough to travel abroad from an early age – my first visit to Vietnam was in 1999, age 17. But now, whenever I have the opportunity to make a trip somewhere, I rarely look beyond Vietnam’s borders. For me, everything I want from a travel destination...
After more than 26 years since the normalization of Vietnam-US relations, cooperation in all fields, including the most sensitive ones, such as military, security, and politics, has significantly advanced. Moreover, the political beliefs of the people and governments of the two nations have at ...
Retrieved from Health and Life Newspaper. (2019, May 3). How should sex in the elderly be? Health and Life Newspaper. Retrieved from
ban nhieu nhieu其实就是有一些越南人喜欢说的,就像中文,你要吃多多,走久久的,这里的意思应该是,朋友很多,朋友多多的。
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Framing gender equality and norm shifting: a case study of the Pillars Campaign (Nha Nhieu Cot) on Vietnamese social media Nguyet Minh LeTuan Anh VuMinh Ngoc Tran
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