I specifically focus, however, on Internet video because its multimedia format represents a convergence of usability issues that are broader and more diverse than the singular problems encountered in other formats such as text, two-dimensional images, or even digital audio. Internet video also ...
Because the majority of inaccessible videos on the Internet are outside the reach of the law and the courts, the promise of universal accessibility will ultimately depend on the cooperation of technocrats – engineering the standards and code for more empathetic design – and bureaucrats, ...
Primary classrooms are filled with little learners who are eager to explore and are amazed by the wonders of the world. ... Learn more Three New YouTube Channels Now Available On Boclips Linguist? Historian? Cultural Enthusiast? You'll be as excited as we are to discover videos from ou...
Evidence-based teaching practices like these can have an outsized impact on student success. In this session, we share how Top Hat makes it easy to put learning science to work in even the largest classrooms. You’ll also hear from an educator who has applied the fundamentals of evidence-...
(2000). Inverting the classroom: A gateway to creating an inclusive learning environment. The Journal of Economic Education, 31(1), 30–43. Google Scholar Larkin, H. E. (2010). „But they won’t come to lectures ...“ The impact of audio recorded lectures on student experience and ...
this study conducted a quasi-experiment with pre-test post-test design to determine the effects of question presence and interactivity on university students’ cognitive load, emotional engagement, video view counts, and cognitive learning outcomes. Three discrete classes were randomly assigned to one ...
However, this transition often neglects the needs of many learners, making both physical and online classrooms not fully accessible. Although experienced organizations have shared instructions on how to create accessible educational content and how to design inclusive learning platforms, when it comes to...
(2) And some of the recommendations on inclusive pedagogy encourage to: –“Recommend videos and written materials to students where they can gain technical skills needed for course participation. –Provide multiple ways for students to learn (e.g., use a combination of text, video, audio, and...