VideoByte Blu-ray Player原名VideoSolo Blu-ray Player,VideoByte Blu-ray Player激活版支持按章节,标题,以及您选择的语言轨道,视频质量,音频质量和字幕播放蓝光。此外,蓝光播放器可以在您的Mac上播放常见的视频和音频文件,如MP4,MTS,MKV,AVI,FLV,WMV和MP3,OGG等。macw.com为您带来VideoByte Blu-ray Player破解...
VideoByte Blu-ray Player 具有极具现代感的简洁界面、流畅的图像和高视频/音频质量。可在Mac电脑上播放视频,DVD和蓝光光盘,支持几乎所有蓝光格式,包括BD ISO,BD文件夹和BNMV文件。此外,用户还可以轻松更改诸如屏幕大小,高宽比,章节选择以及色调,饱和度和亮度等视觉级别。有需要的朋友请放心下载! VideoByte Blu-ray...
VideoSolo Blu ray Player是一款极致蓝光播放器,支持众多稀有少见的视频格式,包括DVD光盘,ISO文件,蓝光视频、4k视频等,VideoSolo Blu ray Player Mac版是最超值的Blu-ray / DVD / 4K视频播放器,带给您影院般的娱乐享受。
适用于Windows和Mac的质量无损蓝光播放器 VideoByte Blu-ray Player是一款无区域DVD和蓝光播放器,主要用于在计算机上播放蓝光,例如 在 Windows 10 上播放蓝光 和 Mac 操作系统。 作为最专业的蓝光播放器,它支持所有类型的蓝光,包括蓝光光盘、文件夹、 ISO文件等。它还可以播放 DVD 和普通视频。 VideoByte蓝光播放器...
VideoByte Blu-ray Player plays Blu-ray files with high quality on Windows & Mac smoothly, even if they are locked by region codes or encrypted.
Our production services include: Aerial and Underwater Video Specialists Promotional Travel Productions High Definition Productions (HD-DVD, Blu-Ray DVD) Commercials and Infomercials Corporate Productions and Events Motivational Productions Fishing, Drag Racing, and Golf Tournaments ...
Q: Can an ordinary Blu-ray disc player play 4K Blu-ray discs? A: No, because it is backward compatible, that is, the 4K Blu-ray player can play normal Blu-ray discs, but ordinary Blu-ray disc players cannot play 4K UHD Blu-ray discs by upgrading firmware. ...
Compared with VLC, theoutput quality is higherwith MakeMKV as it would not compress the video files at all. But this also means that you are making digital copies of DVDs with larger sizes. Besides, for streaming or converting Blu-ray content, you still require a license key to activate ...