VideoByte Blu-ray Player是一款极致蓝光播放器,支持众多稀有少见的视频格式,包括DVD光盘,ISO文件,蓝光视频、4k视频等,VideoByte Blu-ray Player Mac版是最超值的Blu-ray / DVD / 4K视频播放器,带给您影院般的娱乐享受。 VideoByte Blu-ray Player安装教程 ...
最好用的mac蓝光播放器当属VideoSolo Blu ray Player mac版!VideoByte Blu-ray Player原名VideoSolo Blu-ray Player,VideoByte Blu-ray Player激活版支持按章节,标题,以及您选择的语言轨道,视频质量,音频质量和字幕播放蓝光。此外,蓝光播放器可以在您的Mac上播放常见的视频和音频文件,如MP4,MTS,MKV,AVI,FLV,WMV和...
VideoByte Blu-ray Player 具有极具现代感的简洁界面、流畅的图像和高视频/音频质量。可在Mac电脑上播放视频,DVD和蓝光光盘,支持几乎所有蓝光格式,包括BD ISO,BD文件夹和BNMV文件。此外,用户还可以轻松更改诸如屏幕大小,高宽比,章节选择以及色调,饱和度和亮度等视觉级别。有需要的朋友请放心下载! VideoByte Blu-ray...
VideoByte Blu-ray Player是一款无区域DVD和蓝光播放器,主要用于在计算机上播放蓝光,例如 在 Windows 10 上播放蓝光 和 Mac 操作系统。 作为最专业的蓝光播放器,它支持所有类型的蓝光,包括蓝光光盘、文件夹、 ISO文件等。它还可以播放 DVD 和普通视频。 VideoByte蓝光播放器采用先进的蓝光解密技术,为在电脑屏幕上欣...
Developer: Blue Byte Software Series: Battle Isle Publisher: Blue Byte Software Platform: PC (Microsoft Windows) Buy atView on AMAZON 66 Blinx: The Time Sweeper Platform 119 votes Blinx: The Time Sweeper is a platform game developed by Artoon and published by Microsoft Game Studios. It was...
Publisher: Blue Byte Software Platform: PC (Microsoft Windows) PurchaseView on AMAZON66 BioShock Shooter, Puzzle, Role-playing (RPG) 294 votes BioShock is a horror-themed first-person shooter set in a steampunk underwater dystopia. The player is urged to turn everything into a weapon: b...
VideoByte Blu-ray Player plays Blu-ray files with high quality on Windows & Mac smoothly, even if they are locked by region codes or encrypted.
VideoByte支援廣泛的裝置和平台,主要包括Windows和MacOS,其中Windows支援的版本號碼包括Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP,Mac包括MacOS X 10.7或更高版本。 價格 五星級評價: • DVD 開膛手:59.95 美元(不含稅) • BD-DVD 開膛手:84.95 美元(不含稅) • BD-DVD Ripper + 藍光播放器:94.43 美元(不...
High: The highest encoding level, adding 8x8 prediction to Main Profile and supporting customized quantization, widely used in Blu-ray storage and high-definition television. Bit 8 (default) and 10 Keep Original Timestamp Disabled (default) Enabled Audio Parameters Audio Transcoding Enabled:...
High Definition Productions (HD-DVD, Blu-Ray DVD) Commercials and Infomercials Corporate Productions and Events Motivational Productions Fishing, Drag Racing, and Golf Tournaments Documentaries Trade Show and Event Productions Script Writing State-of-the-Art Editing ...