日本在世界电子游戏公司三巨头中独占两席,几乎每年都有值得期待的游戏佳作问世,作为电子游戏开发大国,其电游市场发展如何很令我好奇,因此我们今天进来通过Kaggle的vgsales数据来对日本游戏市场发展做一次实战分析。 【数据来源】 Video Game Sales Analyze sales data from more than 16,500 games.www.kaggle.com/...
Fig.4 游戏发行商的销量和发行游戏数目 发行游戏数量top10和发行游戏销量top10的游戏发行商也是相同十家(Nintendo/Electronic Arts/Activision/Sony/Ubisoft/Take-Two Interactive/THQ/Konami Digital Entertainment/Sega/Namco Bandai Games) 游戏发行数量和销量排名不一致,销量冠军为Nintendo,而数量冠军为Electronic Arts 5...
inSales Discussion, 202 posts (new) Footage emerges of cancelled Wii build of Star Wars Battlefront III inNintendo Discussion, 13 posts (new) Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide inPolitics Discussion, 6300 posts (new) Multiplat 2024 OpenCritic Prediction League - Final Results!
Data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command lines. 824 mobxjs/mobx TypeScript 27.63k Simple, scalable state ...
TensorFlow implementation of word2vec applied on https://www.kaggle.com/tamber/steam-video-games dataset, using both CBOW and Skip-gram.Context for each game is extracted from the other games that the user owns. For example if a user has three games: Dota 2, CS: GO, and Rocket League,...
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https://www.kaggle.com/gregorut/videogamesaleswww.kaggle.com/gregorut/videogamesales 其中各字段含义如下: 四. 数据处理 导入相关库 importnumpyasnpimportpandasaspdimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltimportseabornassnssns.set_style('dark')sns.despine()# 隐藏右边和上边的边框线df=pd.read_csv('vgsales.csv...
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