JPX Tokyo Stock Exchange Prediction比赛是由日本最大的交易所集团JPX麾下东京证券交易所和金融科技公司AlpacaJapan联合举办的股票收益预测赛事。JPX是整合了日本最大的两家交易所——东京证券交易所和大版证券交易所——的交易所集团,在整个日本金融市场是一个巨无霸的存在,几乎整个日本的证券交易业务都是在这两大交易所...
You ask your cousin how he's predicted real estate(房地产,不动产) values in the past. and he says it is just intuition(直觉). But more questioning reveals that he's identified price patterns from houses he has seen in the past, and he uses those patterns to make predictions for new h...
Imagine that, in the large real estate market, door color is unrelated to home price. However, in the sample of data you used to build the model, all homes with green doors were very expensive. The model's job is to find patterns that predict home prices, so it will see this pattern... Titanic In the titanic competition you are given a task of predicting the probability of survival based on the training data that includes age, gender, ticket price, passenger class etc... ...
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Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from Real estate prices in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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