(2.5 vs 3.0, p=0.022), luminance NSS (4+) (2.4 vs 2.8, p=0.044), and face NSS (4+) (2.7 vs 3.9 p=0.004).Conclusions: Video-based eye tracking distinguishes OMAS patients from controls, particularly when looking at both bottom-up and top-down saliency measures suggesting differences ...
作者经过比较发现,EyeNet的GRU变体在视线估计误差和瞳孔大小误差都有最好的表现。 GazeRefineNet在加入了视频显著性作为输入后,视线估计的误差得到了改善,并且发现加入Screen Content,Offset Augmentation等其他元素后,网络的性能在视线估计方面和PoG估计方面都存在较大的提升。 同时评估GazeRefineNet和现有的基于显著性的方法...
affective gains; (3) ecological validity should be improved for eye tracking research on video-based learning through methods such as using eye tracking systems that have high tolerance for head movements, allowing learners to take control of the pacing of the video, and communicating the learning ...
Video-based eye tracking is a valuable technique in various research fields. Numerous open-source eye tracking algorithms have been developed in recent years, primarily designed for general application with many different camera types. These algorithms do not, however, capitalize on the high frame rat...
Video-based eye tracking relies on locating pupil center to measure gaze positions. Although widely used, the technique is known to generate spurious gaze position shifts up to several degrees in visual angle because pupil centration can change without eye movement during pupil constriction or dilation...
Q: How do I use this code for screen-based eye tracking? A: This code does not offer actual eye tracking. Rather, it concerns the benchmarking of the video-based gaze estimation methods outlined in the original paper. Extending this code to support an easy-to-use software for screen-base...
On the basis of these data, we chose the ELII system as the laboratory-based eye-tracker to serve as reference, since it is a well-established device in the field with sufficient accuracy and temporal resolution for most eye-tracking studies. More importantly, it is a head-mounted device ...
Teams: Korea Electronics Technology Institute;Gachon Universit Writers: Hyunwook Kim; JinWook Yang; Junsuk Lee; Sangpil Yoon; Youngwha Kim; Minsu Choi; Jaeyoung Yang; Eun-Seok Ryu;Woochool Park PDF:Eye Tracking-Based 360 Vr Foveated/Tiled Video Rendering ...
Eye tracking has become broadly applicable since the introduction of high quality video-based eye-trackers. Older eye-tracking techniques such as scleral coils (Collewijn, van der Mark, & Jansen, 1975) and the dual purkinje eye-tracker (Cornsweet & Crane, 1973) provide superior data quality in...
If the tracking variable _isFocused is toggled to false, and if the camera isn't currently in the process of focus (determined by the FocusState property of the FocusControl), begin the tap-to-focus process. Get the position of the user's tap from the event args passed into...