Gaze based keyboard, text entry using your eye's Eye Tracking and text entry using only an ordinary webcam.GazeBoard is able to function as a text-entry system that has a restricted... GazeFlow Webcam Eye Tracking engine GazeFlow is a hardware-independent technology, which performs real-tim...
Objectives: Visual expertise is essential for image-based tasks that rely on visual cues, such as in radiology or histology. Studies suggest that eye movements are related to visual expertise and can be measured by near-infrared eye-tracking. With the popularity of device-embedded webc...
Webcam Eye Tracking: Measure eye movements online with the webcam. The cheapest and fastest eye tracking method in market research.
2. Eyetracking Daten erheben Veröffentliche deine Studie und sende den Link direkt an deine Teilnehmenden. Diese können dann direkt online zu jederzeit via webcam ihre Eyetracking Studie machen. 3. Insights entdecken Sobald die ersten Teilnehmenden die Eyetracking Studie durchgeführt haben...
WebCam based Eye-Tracking API With GazeFlowAPI you can access real-time gaze and head position data from GazePointer WebCam Eye-Tracker ( How to use it: Install and start GazePointer (download: ...
Accurate & Robust WebCam Online Eye-Tracking. Eye tracking software provides valuable insights into where people are looking and how they use your site.
See through your customer's eyes to gain insights - via Eye Tracking. Measure the perception of your target group as simple as an online questionnaire.
a webcam-based eye tracking game for collecting large-scale eye tracking data via crowdourcing - PrincetonVision/TurkerGaze
Subscribe to our stories about how people are using eye tracking and attention computing.
To address this deficiency, this paper introduces a webcam-based gaze tracking system that supports large-scale, crowdsourced eye tracking deployed on Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMTurk). By a combination of careful algorithm and gaming protocol design, our system obtains eye tracking data for saliency...