The latest update in Victoria 3 is set to go live on Monday, March 13th, at 10:00 a.m. CET. Fromadding an in-game music player, to introducing a plethora of improvements, patches, and bug fixes. While the major updates coming alongside this patch have been shown off in the open bet...
+25% Taxation Capacity Capitulation Desire[编辑 | 编辑源代码] An AI-controlled Country will try to capitulate if this value reaches 0 or higher. Cash Reserves[编辑 | 编辑源代码] The assets of a Building are stored in its Cash Reserves. If the Building runs a positive weekly Balance, ...
toTransportationFacilities 16January2012 ToddLitman VictoriaTransportPolicyInstitute Arelativelylargeportionofurbanlandisdevotedtoroadsandparkingfacilities. Abstract Thispaperexplorestherelationshipsbetweentransportation,landuseandtaxation.It investigateshowcurrentlandtaxandregulatorypracticesaffecttheamountofland devotedtoroads...