The capital state has +25% taxation capacity and gives +25% political strength to pops living there. Occupying an enemy country's capital state is one way to force their capitulation during war, and certain war goals require occupying the capital state. ...
+25% Taxation Capacity Capitulation Desire[编辑 | 编辑源代码] An AI-controlled Country will try to capitulate if this value reaches 0 or higher. Cash Reserves[编辑 | 编辑源代码] The assets of a Building are stored in its Cash Reserves. If the Building runs a positive weekly Balance, ...
Eventually, when your armies and clergy start straining your budget and you start running into budget issues, you will want to research some Financial Institutions technology to increase your tax efficiency. You will also want to prioritize researching some Iron Railroads, Organic Chemistry/Electricity...
The capital state has +25% taxation capacity and gives +25% political strength to pops living there. Occupying an enemy country's capital state is one way to force their capitulation during war, and certain war goals require occupying the capital state. ...
2 Economy 2.1 Economics 2.2 Budget & Taxation 3 Technology 4 外交 4.1 瑞士 5 北德意志邦联 5.1 石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因战争 6 成立德国 6.1 替代战略:与法国的早期战争 6.2 与法国开战前的准备 6.3 阿尔萨斯-洛林战争 7 Greater Germany: Absorbing Austria 7.1 The repeating wars with France 8 游戏...