A VCG auction (named after their inventors Vickrey, Clarke, and Groves) is a generalization of the single-good, second price Vickrey auction to the case of a combinatorial auction (multiple goods, from which any participant can bid on each possible combination). We for- malize in this entr...
VCGVickrey-Clarke-Groves(auction theory) VCGVertical Center of Gravity VCGVoiding Cystourethrography VCGValue Creation Group(various locations) VCGVenice Consulting Group(Venice, California) VCGVirtual Coordination Group(US DoD) VCGVideo Clock Generator ...
In this paper we propose a game theoretic approach to storage allocation for video surveillance camera systems based on the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) auction mechanism.doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.08.008Alexandre MartinsDepartment of Automatic ControlHung-Yu Wei...
Since a VCG (GSP) bidder’s allocation and price for a given bid is the same as it would be in the standard VCG (GSP) mechanism (given the bids of the other bidders), and the VCG and GSP mechanisms satisfy the (truthful) and (CPC-invariant) properties, this mechanism also satisfies ...
In this context, different auction schemes were proposed, however they are all one-shot auctions. In this paper, we propose an ascending implementation of the well-known Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism (VCG) when the regulator has K identical blocks of spectrum to allocate. The implementation is...
We then apply the theory to quite general multiple unit double auction problems to show that the participatory VCG mechanism achieves asymptotic efficiency.doi:10.1016/j.jmateco.2007.05.009Kiho YoonElsevier B.V.Journal of Mathematical Economics
position auctionsGSPVCGNash equilibriumclick valueDifferent types of position auctions are considered. A position auction is a mechanism for the allocation of advertising space in search engine results to a user-defined query. Advertisers make bids they are willing to pay the search engine for a ...