In this paper we propose a game theoretic approach to storage allocation for video surveillance camera systems based on the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) auction mechanism.doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.08.008Alexandre MartinsDepartment of Automatic ControlHung-Yu Wei...
A Vickrey–Clarke–Groves (VCG) auction is a type of sealed-bid auction where multiple items are up for bid, and each bidder submits a different value for each item. The auction system assigns the items in a socially optimal manner, while ensuring each bidder receives at most one item. ...
A VCG auction (named after their inventors Vickrey, Clarke, and Groves) is a generalization of the single-good, second price Vickrey auction to the case of a combinatorial auction (multiple goods, from which any participant can bid on each possible combination). We for- malize in this entr...
The second half of the book considers the design of games which incentivize players to reach a desired outcome, introducing the Gale-Shapley algorithm for finding a stable matching, ArrowAEs impossibility theorem, the revenue equivalence theorem, and the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism. Game Theory,...
Vickrey–Clarke–Groves MechanismGeneralized Vickrey Auctiondoi:10.1007/978-0-387-30162-4_463Ming-Yang KaoSpringer US
(2016). Exploring vickrey-clarke-groves mechanism for electricity markets. arXiv, abs/1611.03044. URL Google Scholar Varian and Harris, 2014 H.R. Varian, C. Harris The VCG auction in theory and practice The American Economic Review, 104 (5) (2014), pp....
In theory, the mathematically elegant Vickrey-Clarke-Groves process offers perfect efficiency with dominant truth-revealing strategies. However, it has many serious practical problems. This paper describes these problems and argues that research that aims to maintain the dominant truth-revealing strategies...
作者 M Yokoo 摘要 Keywords and SynonymsGeneralized Vickrey auctionGeneralized Vickrey auction; GVAGVAGVA; Vickrey–Clarke–Groves mechani... 关键词 Generalized Vickrey auction / GVA / VCG / Vickrey–Clarke–Groves mechanism 被引量 3 收藏 ...
and Groves payment rule (1) is known as a Groves mechanism. In mechanism design parlance, Groves mechanisms are popularly known as Vickrey–Clarke–Groves (VCG) mechanisms because the Clarke mechanism is a special case of Groves mechanism, and the Vickrey mechanism is a special case of Clarke ...
vi(o,ti)+pi(ti,t-i)≥0 gismaximized f(t)=argmaxog(o,t)t:type;b:bids;o:output;v:values;p:payments;u(=v+p):utilities;g:tobeoptimized VickreyClarkeGrovesmechanisms g(o,t)=∑ivi(o,ti)“Utilitarianfunction”ui(o,ti)=vi(o,ti)+pi(t)“Quasilinearpreferences”Simplemechanism:Choose...