In the next section, we will learn how the FOR-LOOP statement is mapped into hardware logic using a couple of examples. TheFOR-LOOP VHDL BNFsyntax is: loop_statement ::=[loop_label :] forloop_parameter_specificationloopsequence_of_statements endloop[loop_label]; foritemin1tolast_itemloop ...
1 [LOOP标号:] FOR 循环变量 IN 循环参数范围 LOOP 2 顺序语句; 3 END LOOP[LOOP 标号]; 循环变量是一个临时局部变量,由LOOP语句自动定义 LOOP不能自己跳出循环,也不能自己跳到另一个循环,有时候需要加入其它控制语句 1 [标识:] EXIT [LOOP 标识] [WHEN condition]; 2 3 [标识:] NEXT [另一个LOOP ...
The basic solution working without "advanced" Verilog syntax, that's possibly missing from a "Verilog for beginners" tutorial, is using nested loops. Although VHDL to Verilog translation by trial-and-error method will work somehow, it's possibly less frustrating with a profound Verilog text boo...
The code syntax below shows an example using the exit keyword to stop the loop when the iter variable is equal to 4. example_loop:loopexitexample_loopwheniter =4;iter <= iter +1;endloop; VHDL While Loop We use the while loop to execute a part of our VHDL code for as long as a g...
The syntax of the While-Loop is: while <condition> loop end loop; The<condition>is a booleantrueorfalse. It can also be an expression that evaluates totrueorfalse. The condition is evaluated before every iteration of the loop, and the loop will continue only if the condition istrue. ...
EDA与VHDL复习参考题 (1)选择题 1. 综合是EDA设计流程的关键步骤,在下面对综合的描述中,( )是错误的。A. 综合就是把抽象设计层次中的一种表示转化成另一种表示的过程;B. 综合就是将电路的高级语言转化成低级的,可与FPGA / CPLD的基本结构相映射的网表文件;C. 为实现系统的速度、面积、性能的要求...
Example of for-loop Statement (VHDL) VHDL Sequential Logic Sequential Process With a Sensitivity List Syntax Asynchronous Control Logic Modelization Clock Event Statements Missing Signals VHDL Sequential Processes Without a Sensitivity List Sequential Process Using a Wait Statement Coding Example (VHDL) ...
72.在VHDL的FOR_LOOP语句中的循环变量是一个临时变量,属于LOOP语句的局部量,B事先声明。A.必须B.不必C.其类型要D.其属性要 73. 在VHDL中,语句”FOR I IN 0 TO 7 LOOP”定义循环次数为A次。 A. 8B.7C. 0D.1 74. 在VHDL中,PROCESS结构内部是由A语句组成的。 A.顺序B.顺序和并行C.并行D.任何 ...
As we can see from this snippet, the iterative generate statement syntax is very similar to the for loop syntax. In fact, the code is virtually identical apart from the fact that the loop keyword is replaced with generate. Unlike with a lot of VHDL statements, we must give a label to ...
14.在 VHDL 的 FOR_LOOP 语句中的循环变量是一个临时变量,属于 LOOP 语句的局部;变 量, 事先声明。 A.必须 B.不必 C.其类型要 D.其属性要 15.在 VHDL 中,语句”FOR I IN 0 TO 7 LOOP ”定义循环次数为几次。 A. 8 B. 7 C. 0 D.1 16. 过程调用前需要将过程的过程首和过程体装入 A.源...