The syntax of the While-Loop is: while <condition> loop end loop; The<condition>is a booleantrueorfalse. It can also be an expression that evaluates totrueorfalse. The condition is evaluated before every iteration of the loop, and the loop will continue only if the condition istrue. ...
The code syntax below shows an example using the exit keyword to stop the loop when the iter variable is equal to 4. example_loop:loopexitexample_loopwheniter =4;iter <= iter +1;endloop; VHDL While Loop We use the while loop to execute a part of our VHDL code for as long as a g...
一般综合工具都支持 while_loop 语句; C. 循环变量不需要事先定义; D. 以上说法都不正确。 (五)并行语句 1. 在 VHDL 中,PROCESS 结构内部是由 A. 顺序 B. 顺序和并行 语句组成的。 C. 并行 D.任何 2. 在 VHDL 中,PROCESS 本身是 A. 顺序 B.顺序和并行 语句。 C.并行 D.任何 3. 在元件例化...
otime– to indicate time ·generic:generic declarations are optional and determine the local constants used for timing and sizing (e.g. bus widths) the entity. A generic can have a default value. The syntax for a generic follows, generic( constant_name: type [:=value] ; constant_name: t...
ENDPROCESS;3.1.2SignalEvaluate TheassignmentoperatorforaSIGNALis‘‘<=’’.s<=aNOR(bANDc);4.1.3WAIT PROCESScannothaveasensitivitylistwhenWAITisemployed.Itssyntax(therearethreeformsofWAIT)isshownbelow.(1)WAIT(2)WAITON[signal1,signal2,...](3)WAITUNTILsignal_condition(4)WAITFORtime Examp...
Example of for-loop Statement (VHDL) VHDL Sequential Logic Sequential Process With a Sensitivity List Syntax Asynchronous Control Logic Modelization Clock Event Statements Missing Signals VHDL Sequential Processes Without a Sensitivity List Sequential Process Using a Wait Statement Coding Example (VHDL) ...
3. 2. 3. 2 The while loop 100 3. 2. 3. 3 The for loop 101 3. 2. 3. 3. 1 for loop Rules 101 4. DRIVERS 109 4. 1 RESOLUTI ON FUNCTI ON 109 4. 2 DRI VERS 111 4. 2. 1 More on Drivers 114 4. 2. 1. 1 Driving Data from multiple Processes onto a Non-Resolved Signal...
WHILE : 'WHILE' ; XNOR : 'XNOR' ; XOR : 'XOR' ; //---Parser--- abstract_literal : INTEGER | REAL_LITERAL | BASE_LITERAL ; access_type_definition : ACCESS subtype_indication ; across_aspect : identifier_list (tolerance_aspect)? (VARASGN expression)? ACROSS ; actual_designator : ...
_scheme --FOR, WHILE LOOP --sequence_of_statements; END LOOP[loop_label]; Essential VHDL for ASICs 94 For Loop Statements are executed once for each value in the loop parameter's range Loop parameter is implicitly declared and may not be modified from within loop or used outside loop. ...