VHDL基本程序框架共包括三个部分:library、entity、architecture,而Verilog基本程序框架中,只包含一个module部分。 简单的来说,VHDL中entity和architecture两部分的功能之和其实就相当于一个Verilog的module。只不过entity和architecture需要显式的去定义两者之间的对应关系,并且一个entity并不限于只有一个architecture,而module...
VHDLbyHGB.copyEntity Set cursor within the entity declaration. Run the command. It copies the entity declaration VHDLbyHGB.pasteAsComponent Pastes the entity as a component declaration VHDLbyHGB.pasteAsInstance Pastes the entity as a instant ...
在 VHDL-93 中,您可以像这样直接实例化实体:“Label_name: entity work.component_name port map (port list);”。 例如,要在 VHDL 中实例化实体 clk_div,将在体系结构代码中添加一个组件声明,如下所示: architecture Behavioral of digital_clock is -- component declaration before instantiation below componen...
② 将波形信号发生器与ADDER4组装为一个VHDL仿真测试模块 ENTITY BENCH IS END; ARCHITECTURE one OF BENCH IS COMPONENT ADDER4...利用仿真器的波形设置命令施加激励信号 force命令的格式如下: force 信号名> [][, …] [-repeat ] force a 0 (强制信号的当前值为...LOAD 输入的数据 wait for 15 ns; ...
1. Entity The Entity is used to specify the input and output ports of the circuit. An Entity usually has one or more ports that can be inputs (in), outputs (out), input-outputs (inout), or buffer. An Entity may also include a set of generic values that are used to declare propert...
component_instantiation_statement::= instantiation_label : instantiated_unit [ generic_map_aspect ] [ port_map_aspect ]; instantiated_unit::= [ component ]component_name |entity entity_name[ ( architecture_identifier ) ] |configuration configuration_name ...
Shifter (Entity). Concurrent and Sequential VHDL. Signals and Variables. Using a Procedure to Describe Registers. Using a Component to Describe Registers. Structural VHDL. Test Benches. Sample Test Bench. What We've Learned So Far. 3. Exploring Objects and Data Types. Signals. Variables. ...
-- File counter.vhd entity counter is end entity counter; architecture arc of counter is signal clk: bit; -- Type bit has two values: '0' and '1' signal c, nc: natural; -- Natural (non-negative) integers begin P1: process begin clk <= '0'; wait for 10 ns; -- Ten nano-seco...
概念:VHDL是VHSIC(Very HighSpeedIntegratedCircuit)HardwareDescriptionsLanguage的缩写,即超高速集成电路的硬件描述语言。VHDL语言能够描述硬件电路的结构、行为与功能。2010-09~2010.12 可编程逻辑器件(PLD-- ProgrammableLogicDevice):器件的功能不是固定不变的,而是可根据用户的需要而进行改变,即由编程...
一个VHDL程序由5个部分组成,包括实体(ENTITY)、结构体(architecture)、配置(coxnfiguration)、包(package)和库(library)。实体和结构体两大部分组成程序设计的最基本单元。图2.2表示的是一个VHDL 3 程序的基本组成。配置是用来从库中选择所需要的单元来组成该系统设计的不同规格的不同版本,VHDL和Verilog HDL已成为...