上述代码定义了一个名为ClockDivider的实体,具有一个输入端口clk_in和一个输出端口clk_out。在架构部分,我们使用了一个计数器counter来计算时钟周期的数量,并在达到99时将输出时钟信号取反。这样,我们就可以实现将输入时钟信号从100 1Hz分频到1 1Hz。 在VHDL中,我们可以使用Xilinx Vivado或Altera Quartus等工具进行...
Realizing a 50%-duty-cycle, divided-down clock is not always a trivial task, particularly when the divisor rate is an odd number. You can use the VHDL source code inListing 1to synthesize an FPGA or a CPLD circuit that produces a 50%-duty-cycle waveform for any integer N greater than...
the input changes until the next clock edge cannot be counted on to be more than any useful ...
//* following code is for 4 bit ripple counter designed with d flip flop*// module dff_r (input d_in, clk_in, rst_in, output reg q, output q_n); //* module define a d flip flop with clock, reset, d, as input, and q and qbar as output *// always@(posedge clk_in or ...
-- 申明所使用的包 library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use WORK.USB_PACKAGE.all; -- 申明实体 entity FrequencyDivider is generic( div_factor : INTEGER8 := 0 -- 分频系数属性 ); port( reset_n : in STD_LOGIC; -- 复位端口 clk_origin : in STD_LOGIC; -- 输入时钟端口 clk :...
You need a clock divider, using it's result as an enable signal for the slow action: SIGNAL clkcnt: INTEGER RANGE 0 to 240000000-1; ... ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk='0') THEN IF (clkcnt < 240000000-1 THEN clkcnt <= clkcnt + 1; ELSE clkcnt <= 0; if (q <=11) THEN ......
1、使用clock为输入时钟信号,其频率为50MHz 2、使用拨码开关sw7~sw4为被除数ai,其中sw7为MSB(高位),sw4为LSB(低位) 3、使用拨码开关sw3~sw0为除数bi,其中sw3为MSB,sw0为LSB 4、使用按钮btn<0>作为输入确定信号,在每次改变输入时按下按钮得到输出结果 ...
I need some help coding a 25 bit frequency divider. I seriously just cant figure it out. I had to design a digital clock with a mod 6 and mod 10
“Bus_parker” in the VHDL code defines the park master. After a device has access to the PCI bus, this device must start the bus access within 16 PCI clock cycles. If this start-up does not happen, the device loses the bus grant, and the device with the next highest priority gets ...
Here is a clock frequency divider Code: --- -- CLK FREQUENCY DIVIDER -- --- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity Divider is port ( CLK: in STD_LOGIC; COUT: out STD_LOGIC ); end Divider; architecture Divider of Divider is ---...