(Tcode:FBRA) e.SAP新总帐分配分摊产生的实时财务凭证如何红冲? f.其它自动财务凭证如何红冲? 使用红字结转和设计红字冲销? 通过上面的图例,读者对SAP的反记帐功能设计应该有了一定理解,注意BSEG和FAGLFLEXA表的活动类型(业务交易,Business Transction)和参考交易字段,参考交易BKPF和业务交易RFBU表示为财务记帐。 有一...
即:一堆TCODE组成了一个ROLE,然后把这个ROLE分给某个ID,然后这个ID就得到一堆TCODE了。 上面这些,仅仅是SAP权限控制的初级概念,要理解SAP权限控制的全部,必须还要明白下面的概念。 1、角色(ROLE)、复合角色 上面讲了,角色,即ROLE,是一堆TCODE的集合,当然还包含有TCODE必备的“权限对象”、“权限字段”、“允...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, FIN (Finance) Hi All, when I am releasing the billing document to accounting in T-code: VF02, I am getting the error as "Error in account determination table T030K Key XXX MWS". So what shall I do now to rectify that error message. Thanks, Vinay Edit...
SAP Managed Tags: SD Billing Hi All The client gets an error with the printing in VF02 we go to ISSUE OUTPUT TO & then we select invoice & PRINT The storage mode is set as Print & Archive the client everytime have to change the storage mode to Print only & then they can print. ...
DATA:badi_active TYPE sap_bool. FORM cust_head_activate USING fvbrk TYPE vbrk fvbuk TYPE vbuk fxvbpa TYPE va_vbpavb_t CHANGING fcaption TYPE char40 fprogram TYPE sy-repid fdynpro TYPE sy-dynnr ftab TYPE char40. PERFORM frm_check_badi_active. ...
e_code='E'. e_msg= ls_return-message.ELSE.CALLFUNCTION'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'EXPORTINGwait='X'.WAITUPTO'2'SECONDS.READTABLElt_successINTOls_successWITHKEY ref_doc =lv_vbeln_old.IFsy-subrc =0.IFlv_rfbsk ='C'."冲销之后过账CLEAR:messtab,bdcdata[].PERFORMbdc_dynproUSING'SAPMV60A''0101...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Varun, Use transaction variant for that GOto t.code SHD0 and give vf02 there and then while processing make that field display only , now nobody can change that field Regards, C.A Reply Former Member 2008 Sep 15 1:29 PM 0 Kudos 158 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development As Madhu said, automatic repricing is doable in configuration, there is no need for coding. I'll have to look it up how to do it because I don't remember off the top of my head. But you can ask someone with pricing experience to help out with th...
Solved: Dear SAP Technical Guru's, I am facing Update termiante problem in the VF02 Screen . MESSAGE Update was terminated *System ID... MRD Client... 100 User...
Those includes are reserved for sap u r nt supposed to modify so could you please help me in this regard with a sample code on exits and also badi s bye reddy You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in...