fxvbadr TYPE shp_sadrvb_t fxyvbpa TYPE va_vbpavb_t fxvbrp TYPE vbrpvb_t fxyvbrp TYPE vbrpvb_t fvbrk TYPE vbrk. PERFORM frm_check_badi_active. CHECK:badi_active EQ abap_false. ENDFORM. FORM cust_head_pass_fcode USING ffcode_same_page TYPE fcode ffcode TYPE fcode. PERFORM frm_che...
"VA02" is the T.Code for changing the Sales order."VA03" is the T.Code for displaying the order. Here in this T.Code we have to enter the sales order that is already created.Here you can view all the fields. Similar thing is for billing document displaying is "VF03" T.Code. If...
At the first look both T codes look very similar and they both provide the same functionality of Displaying Archived Billing Documents. The only difference that I could figure out was T code VF03 has an additional feature of displaying the document flow of the preseding documents which was not...
Use T.Code VF31, once in this transaction enter the output type you want, select the output type for the invoice, then enter the transmission medium, here select 1, since you want to print the invoice and then in the process mode, select 1 if its a 1st time print out or select 2 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Medium: Print output Function (Couldn't find Function but found PartFunct.): BP Partner: 113491 Date/Time: 4 (# between 1 & 4)? BTW I do know how to set Break points but not sure where to put it in this case. I know the running program is ca...