We make the veteran job search easy! Our employers are focused on diverse hiring practices, they know your value, and are looking for candidates like you.
Find a MilitaryX Job Fair in your area, we hostVirtualevents year-round. Within 25 Miles Enter An Address Or Zip Code Above To Find Job Fairs Happening Near You Frequently Asked Questions What makes a MilitaryX event different? A MilitaryX event is where anyone who served on active duty,...
Transitioning from a military to a civilian career is possible. Veterans can prepare for a job search and interview with this guide.
IAVA programs empower our community online and offline, and include Smart Job Fairs, our signature New GI Bill calculator and Community of Veterans, a veterans only social network. Our mission is to improve the lives of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and their families. We strive to build an ...
The group's strategy includes creating professional development opportunities, visiting career fairs, holding networking events at company sites and creating an internal database of veteran employees that captures their skills, experiences and talents. ...
Maryanne won a number of top prizes for her art paintings in numerous fairs and gallery showings! She showed her art in the famous Plaza Art Fair in Kansas City, Missouri. She was a "stand alone" Bridge player. When you engaged in a card game with her, she was almost always the "...
State House, Room 546 Boston, MA 02133 Tel:617-727-2974 Fax: 617-742-9843 Email: Mike Valila –mvalila@davma.org DOWNLOAD DIRECTORY Membership has it’s privileges. View Benefits DAV Events Visit our events calendar and subscribe. Receive auto alerts and updates regarding job fairs, career...