possible for me. Let me first say that it is one of the "longest" days of the year when you arise at 2 a.m. to be sure to meet the schedule laid out by War- ren Dupree of the Steve Youngdeer American Legion Post 143. Warren did a great job of coordinating the day beginning ...
"Amidst the stress of having a brand-new baby and moving across the country, I knew I would have to look for a new job," said Krueger, explaining that her previous employer had no office near her new home and full-time remote work was not yet commonplace. She soon accepted a new ro...
Maryanne won a number of top prizes for her art paintings in numerous fairs and gallery showings! She showed her art in the famous Plaza Art Fair in Kansas City, Missouri. She was a "stand alone" Bridge player. When you engaged in a card game with her, she was almost always the "...