This value is significantly greater than the traditional (1 cm2 s1) estimate based on water mass analysis5,6 of vertical eddy diffusivity in the deep ocean.doi:10.1038/251043a0THOMASH.BELLNature Publishing Group UKNatureBell, T.H., 1974. Vertical mixing in the deep ocean. Nature 251, 43-...
The changes also mean that much less wind and tidal energy needs to be dissipated in the deep ocean than was originally thought. Previous calculations of vertical mixing based on the stratification of the deep ocean1,2 assumed that a flux of 25 or 30 sverdrups (Sv) of water, made up of...
Measurements indicate that mixing processes are intense in the surface layers of the ocean but weak below the thermocline, except for the small region below the core of the Equatorial Undercurrent where vertical temperature gradients are small and the shear is large. Parameterization of these mixing ...
ocean-atmosphere climate system, deepening of the mixed layer by entrainment did have a noticeable effect. The direct consequences of entrainment were largest in the tropics, where mixed-layer deepening modified precipitation. But the influence of the mixing extended past the tropics as the change ...
We were promised jetpacks, Cities floating in the ocean and with the evolving of Ipads & tablets to be liberated from any kind of fixed video format. (hilarious article: and for real: Since we can’t deliver the rocket backpack we at least ...
Hydrophysical specificity is due to large horizontal gradients of all kinds, complicated vertical structure of hydrophysical properties, great importance of internal waves, turbulence, 3-D circulation and vertical mixing. Being interrelated, all these phenomena must be studied in complex....
Since a dynamic equation for the latter that includes the physical processes relevant to the ocean is still not available, one must resort to different sources of information outside the RSM to obtain a complete Mixing Scheme usable in OGCMs. As for the RSM results, we show that the Gamma(...
2010-07-16收修定稿 Verticalmixingrateevaluationbasedonradiumisotopedistributions ofYellowSeaandEastChinaSea LIUGuang—Shanl,MENWu2,JILi—Hon91 1StateKeyLaboratoryofMarineEnvironmental Science,CollegeofOceanandEnvironmentalScience, XiamenUniversity,Xiamen361005,China 2KeyLaboratoryofGlobalChangeandMarine-Atmospheric...
It is an open question whether turbulent mixing across density surfaces is sufficiently large to play a dominant role in closing the deep branch of the ocean meridional overturning circulation. The diapycnal and isopycnal mixing experiment in the Southern Ocean found the turbulent diffusivity inferred ...
Uncertainties in ocean-mixing parameterizations are primary sources for ocean and climate modeling biases.Due to lack of process understanding,traditional physics-driven parameterizations perform unsatisfactorily in the tropics.Recent advances in the deep-learning method and the new availability of long-term...